15 1 1

Chan has been in his aprtment alone for a couple days. It would be underreacting to say he absoulet hates it. One thing is he really misses byeongkwan.

Like unbelivaley bad. He just is having no fun all by himself, and really he keeps wondering were in the world the smaller could possibly be staying. Chan was his only friend, and he has not been dating for years.

It was obvious he met this guy at a bar because that night byeongkwan did not come home like he usually does.


"oooo what are you getting all fressed up for?" the boy was lingering in byeongkwans doorway. "i am going to the bar, again." he sighed while patting down his clothes in the mirror.

"Why the long face?" the red headed boy moved over to sit on the boys bed. "because all these times i go its the same thing. I have yet to meet someone, and you are always hanging out with your other friends on the weekend"

He waved his hand annoyilt in the other face. "byeongkwan i see you everyday. Why dont you stay here with me and my friends. You can get to know them"

the smaller put the finally touches by adding some of his favorite boots. "I dont like your freinds" the red head already knew that, but he asked anyway. "okayyyy well be vareful, and i hope you meet a beef cake out there tonight" he laughed and softly smcaked the others back.

"whatever THIS IS YOUR FAULT" the smaller screamed as chan just left the room.

*end of fb*

Chan had already called their boss and let the male know that kwan got injured and will be out for a couple weeks. Luckily there boss loved both so he was understandgin and wished the smaller good health.

Chan had off for the day, and he really wanted to go vidit the smaller. But he did not know where in the world he is. "maybe if i just call that number" he pulled his phone from his pocket, and clicked on the unknown number that byeongwkan called him from yesterday.

* ring ring ring ring* Chan was about to hang up becasue of how long it was taking for this person to answer. "hello" the voice cut off the ringing sound. It was defentily not kwans voice. This person sounded much more tough than chan was expecting. "hello is kim byeongkwan there?"

Chan was using his customer service voice. "yes, hang on a second" the line went quiet for five seconds before a squealing byeongkwan answered the phone. "hey chan what up" his tone seemed very happy. Way more than usual.

"can i come see you anytime soon" the red haired boy was pouting. He knew that the smaller could tell when he heard a sigh. "give me a second" again there was mummbling and giggling on the other side of the line. It even sounded like there was maybe a kiss exchanged.

At this rate chan was desperate. He NEEDED to meet this mysetery man who is making byeonngkwan giddy like that. "yes you can come" the smaller said into the phone. "well i need the adress. Remeber O have no idea where your lovers place is."

Chan was laughing. "okay the adress is **** *** ****"

"okay i will be there soon" the boy hung up the phone, and grabbed his jacket.

When he arrived the bulldng was a really nice one. There were many eldery folks wandering about, and he had to admit this was the type of place he would love to stay. Byeongkwan was so lucky fot getting to stay here. He walked until he found the number that the other told him. There was no hessitation whenever he immeditely knocked on the door.

A black haired male answered the door. He was actually very intimidating, and that made Chan wonder how in the world the smaller ended up with this guy. But then the male let a smile and moved to the side so the smaller could walk through. He did have a pretty smile and nice body. Really in all reality this guy was actually exactly byeongkwans type.

As soon as he walked inside and removed his shoes the gray haired boy was sitting on the sofa. "CHANNNNNNN" he screamed while slowly getting up and trying to stumble over to the younger. "KWANNN OMG I MISSEd YOU WTH HAPPENED" he ran the rest of the way over and clung onto the smaller. Chan knew not to be to rough with him since it was clear the other was in a bit of pain.

" explain everything now" chan demanded as he helped escort the smaller back to the spot he was previosuly sitting in. The other guy just lingered around. He let the two boys talk and only every so often asked to make sure the smaller was comftorable or needed anything. Once nyeongkwan explained everything from that night, and the next couple days after the accident Chan was shocked.

"oooooo so you did find yourself a lover boy" the younger wiggled his eyebrows in a funny way. Byeongkwan was laughing as he hit the boys arm. "shut up" he said and pointed over to the male standing at the counter. "look" Chan turned his head and saw the bigger male staring down at his hand. There was a small blush covering his face, and one hand on his chest. "he heard you" the smaller laughed while chan was cringing at their cuteness.

"Whats your name?" the younger directed the words over to sehyoon who looked up. Sehyoon realized how open byeongkwans friend was. He was very much of a people person, and despote him being a doctor he was not. "I'm Sehyoon" he put on a small smile and walked over to enter hismef over to the living area.

"thank you sehyoon for taking care of byeongkwan. He is very stubborn, and i told him not to go out that night. But he did anyway. I'm Chan his roomate." he reached his hand out and sehyoon took it. He gave his normal firm handshake before stepping back giving plenty of room for the other. "Since it is obvious that he wants to stay here I am not going to force him with me. Just keep taking good care of him, doctor. " He stood and bowed at the older who stood there in amazment.

Chan leaned over and gave kwan a hug, and a kiss on the top of his head. "hyung be careful.. and dont have to much fun with your hunk of a man here" He whispered the last pare, and both of them started laughing. Sehyoon heard and felt heat rushing back into his face. "bye guys have fun. But not to much" he smiled and waved at them both, and then dissapeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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