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"I'm glad she took care of you"

It took sehyoon a minute to realize that their was a response, and when he did his eyes shot right open and he sat up to face the smalller. His eyes were open and he was smiling while looking down at where sehyoons hand was laying. "omg your awake. How do you feel?" He got up and fetched the smaller some water. To which he assisted in giving.

The taller knew that the boy was going to be really thristy. He has been a doctor for a couple years alread, so he knows these small things. "I'm okay" he smiled. Kwan didn't try to move any part of his body becasue he was scared of how much he knew it would hurt. But the only thing that mattered to him was the fact that sehyoon was here. Even though he was very confused as to how knew kwan was here.

"Sehni.. why are you here?" The dark haired boy sat back down in the chair. He was very upset at the question. Never did he once stop to think about if the smaller even wanted him here. He got so upset that he did not even realize the nickname the smaller gave him.

Kwan noticed the change in his face and atarted panicking. "I didnt mean it like that. I meant how did you find me?" the taller relaxed, and explained how he was a doctor at this hospital. "Ohh.. so I fell in love with a doctor" the gray haired male giggled at what he said. Sehyoon was crying when the smaller said that, adn it made Kwan feel terrible.

"why did you leave me" His face was focused on his lap in attempt to shield his tears. "I didn't think you wanted me there, so i panicked and left. But when i realized that I didnt want to leave it was too late because i blacked out." The doctor looked up and his glassy eyes met the smallers.

"you stayed here with me.. why if i hurt you?" the smaller was holding the tears in as sehyoon cleaned his face. "you called for me. so i stayed"  He smiled and pulled his chair a bit closer to the bed. "dang I even call you when i am unconscious ... isnt that something" he giggled a little. But it shot a pain up his chest, and his hand immediately went to the area that hurt.

"be careful please." sehyoon got up quickly when he noticed the pain that was inflicred on the boys body. He moved the smallers hand, and placced his own on the area. "you fractured your ribs, and even punctured a lung while you were at it." the doctor said with sad eyes toward the smaller. "well mr doctor. Can i stay with you then. So that way I can be taken care of properly."

Kwans pretty lips were pulled into a smirk. "yes" there was no hesitation in the saying as he sett;ed himself back in the chair. "we can leave tommorow. I will take my vacation, so I can stay and take care of you"

His heart felt content. It was beating at a steadier pace than it has since kwan left that morning. "are you going to stay here with me? for the rest of the night?"

"byeongkwan it is 2 in the morning. Of course I am staying here" sehyoon was laughing slightly. "oh" the smaller smiled. "go to sleep, and when its morning we will gather put you in some clothes, and I will take you home.

The gray haired male just nodded because he was out of energy. He reached his hand out, and sehyoon took it. Not even 5 minutes after he closed his eyes the male fell into a deep sleep. But the taller didn't. He stayed up the entire night monitoring the smaller. Making sure that he was going to be okay, and that this wasn't really just a dream, and when he warched the sun rise from the window of the boys room. He knew it wasn't.

Sehyoon had already described the situation to his nurse, and she again did not say much of the situation. The woman told the others that the doctor was taking his vacation to take care of the boy, and she handed him some of his clothes that were stored away in another room. The taller didnt even know that the clothing was still here, but it didnt suprise him since all he ever did was work all day and night.

When he walked into the smallers room he was lying down still, but his eyes were open. He turned his head over and when he noticed sehyoon bringing him clothes he smiled. The taller helped get his body covered since it was very painful for byeongkwan to do on his own. But when he was fully covered, and sehni brought him a wheel chair he insisted in getting in it himself.

Sehyoon knew that it was going to hurt him to do so, but the smaller was very stubborn so ehat more could he do. After 10 minutes of transitioning from the bed to the chair Kwan was exhausted, but he was proud that he actually did it by himself.

The dark haired male positioned the smaller comfortably and took kwan by suporse when he picked the boys lips. This gesture obviously made him smile becasue it showed that sehyoon really did care about him, and that he was just crazy.

When they were checking out lots of the staff were staring at them. Kwan was unsure why everyone was being like this, but the other knew why. This was a suprise for everyone mainly becasue sehyoon was never involved with anyone or anything. He waved at them as the male pushed the smaller out of the building and around the side to his car.

He was parked on the side but it was really close since he was an employee. Kwan felt much better once the feeling of the cool fresh air hit his body, and as he was getting into the males car his stomach was growling. It has been days since either of them have eaten a single thing. Really it slipped sehyoons mind that he probably needed to eat something.

The taller had it in his mind that once they got home, his priorty was to feed the smaller.

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