Reyna, finding my feet.

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Reyna POV:

3 years ago to this very day, i left my home on the enchantresses Circe's island. A young boy, named Percy Jackson and his friend Annabeth Chase destroyed my home. Now I am a member of the 12th legion at Camp Jupiter, claimed by the godess Bellona. My sister, my only family left, has left me to become an Amazon and now, I am all by my self. I have made a few friends, I guess thats what you would call them, here but I am finding it hard to fit in. I prefer working as a soloist. I'm not much of a team player. One of my friends, Dakota, said I should put my name in for the next Praetor elections. I guess it would be a good idea. They other legioneers seem to respect me enough, and being the daughter of the war godess I feel i could make a good leader. Today is our last day to get our names in. I run down to the forum where they are holding the casts and elections. The other preator is there, his name is Jason. "Hey Jason" i call when i walk in to the forum, "I'm here to put my name down for the next praetor election, you know where i can sign up?" I ask. He hands me a sheet where I fill out my detail.

Name: Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano.

Olympian parent: Bellona

Legion number: 94523865237

years in the legion: 3

I fill out the form, hand it in and go take a bath ready for dinner and war games. 

Reynico, was a long time comingWhere stories live. Discover now