Where was I? Oh just you know TARTARUS!

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Nico's POV:

While the 7 seven where off having there quest to same the world from Gaia, where was I oh just you know TARTARUS! I dont want to say much becuase I don't want to scare you, but Tartarus was a scray place. I luckily had my freind the titan Bob, or Iapetus. The hole place was dark and gloomy and down right terrerfying. I won't go into much detail, but when I finally got out, what happened? of course I got captured. I was extremely tired. I was in what we children of Hades call a death trance, so I dont rember much of what happened in the next ferw days, all I remember is Hazel getting me out of the bronze jar that was my prison, then watching 2 of my best friends fight to the death against the giant twins Otis and Ephialtes. Now I am onboard the Argo 2 and we are descussing our main problem the magical beacon that is the Athena Parthenonus.

"Nico, you could take it back, shadow travell it back" Percy suggests. Reyna, who has just arrived, looks at me. "I will go with him," she says "he will need a Roman to take it back, like a peace offering, hopefully before Octavian blows your camp to bits." My heart did a little back flip. Yes Reyna, please come with me, I think before Coach Hedge Intruputs. "I will go to. These two can't go on there own, and none of us are from the 7 in the prophecy, so why not?" The crew knods in agreement. "Off we go then," i say. Hedge holds be down "Not so fast cupcake, you need a good night of rest first, I don't want to shadow travel to above a volcane, just because you haven't had enough sleep" this is true. Me traveling on little energy leads to great disarters. "Um, just a thought but, where am I going to sleep,?' Reyna pipes up. She looks to Leo, "Oh ma, I only built one guest bedroom, which Nico is using." My mind races. "We could share a room, I can sleep on the floor if you like," I suggest, it sounds like a good idea to me. Jason looks at me strangley. He still thinks I have a crush on Percy, honestly I never actually said I had a crush on him, all I said was that I liked him and admiered him because he was such a great hero. "Fine," Coach says finally, "but you have to keep the door open all night, and a light on in the hallway." He says. "Sure thing Hedge, there wont be any funny buissinsess going on here, but if thats what you want then sure thing." Reyna answers before I can talk back. "Sure Coach," I say.

I switch off the light in my cabin *chink*. "Night Reyna." "Night Nico" and then we are both snoring. 

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