Finding Hazel.

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Nico's POV:

I've been spending alot of time in the underworld lately. I've been looking for my sister, Bianca. I know everyone has told me not to but I can't help it. She's my sister for Hades sakes. I went into the Fields of Asphold. I had been searching Esylum for the past month and since i hadn't found her there i decided to try somewhere new. As I was searching for Bianca I saw a young girl, no more than 12 or 13 looking lost, for some reason she seemed to intruige me. "Hi, I'm Nico, whats your name?" I asked politely, doubting she would be able to answer because the souls here have lost there memories. "I'm Hazel, Hazel Levesque, I'm from New Orleans," she replied. I was startled, no one in Asphold should be able to rember anything much less there full name and where they are from, apart from another Demigod. "Now I no this is going to sound abrupt but who are your parents?" I asked, there was no other explanation, she had to be! "My mum is Marie Levesque," she said quite simply. Okay now things were getting strange, by Zeus, she souldn't be able to rember her mothers name. "and your father?" I asked, if her mother wasn't an Olympian than her father had to be. "Um, okay I no this will sound strange but, erm,he is Pluto, like as in the god of the underworld." she said shyly. As if this could get any wierder, she just happens to be my half sister. "No, no it doesn't sound strange at al, he is my dad too," I say trying to make her feel better and it works because she smiles. "Oh that is good, I thought I was the only one." I suddenly have a great thought, I know I'm not going to find Bianca so why don't I bring my other sister back. "Hazel, do you want to come with me?" I ask "I would be able to take you back to the upperworld and bring you back to life, you were to young to die, I can give you a second chance at life." she contemplated it for a bit. "Sure, sounds like a cool idea." she replies, "Lets go" she calls over her shoulder already marching towards the gates. Knowing that Hazel was Roman I knew i couldn't take her back to Chiron so I prayed to Dad to take us somewhere for the Romans. When we came up to the surface there was a wolf waiting, it seemed, for us. "She says her name is Lupa, the godess that raised Romulus and Remus and that she is here to take us to Camp Jupiter." Hazel tells me. I'm not sure weather I trust this "Lets go then" I say before i can change my mind.

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