Well now I'm Praetor.

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Reyna's POV:

For 6 years running I have been Praetor. It doesnt get any easier running this place. "Reyna Reyna," yells Dakota running up to me. "Yes Da, I mean Centurion" I say, it doesn't help that you have to call you closest friends Centurion. "Praetor, the gaurds bring news that Lupa brings two new recuits. A girl 13 maybe and a boy 14 to 15." It was strange that Lupa was bringing in such an old recruit but if thats what she wanted then thats what we took. "Bring them to me Centurioun." Dakota ran off to get them. I waited for them in the Forum. "Welcome to Camp Jupiter, I am Reyna one opf the praetors of New Rome. What are your names?" The boy, looked up. My heart skipped a beat, he was gorgeous, his dark hair covered his eyes slightly but from what I could see they were dark brown, he had pale skin, he was tall and muscular, like he had years of practice in fighting. His weapon, made of a metal I had never seen before hung by his side. "I am Nico DiAngelo and this is Hazel Levesque. We are children of.... Pluto." He said hesitantly, like it was wrong. "Praetor may I have a word with you when you are free?" he asked. "Uhhhhhhhhh" I said, oh so smartley, Dakota standing behind them motioned to me to "wipe the dribble off my face", but boy did his voice make you want to drop everything and kiss him. "I mean, yes, once I have taken you to the auguar, then yes I will talk to you privately" I said gathering my toughts, my heart beat still a mess. "Um, if is alright I need to speak to you before then." he said blushing. I felt my face go red too. "If you must," I said gesturing for him to follow me as I took a few steps away from Dakota and Hazel who where talking to each other. "Reyna, can I call you that?" I knodded. "Well Reyna. I am not actually a son of Pluto. Infact I am not Roman. I am a greek demigod, son of Hades. I know Hazel is going to need me around, So if it is okay with you, may I stay as an embassador for Pluto?" I had absoulutley no problem with him hanging around but I didn't want to make it to obvious. "an amassabor for Pluto you say? Well I don't see why you couldn't hang around a bit, may I ask why you think Hazel Levesque will need you around?" I didn't want to pry but as praetor I need to know this stuff, at least thats what I told my self. "She was a dead spirit, I found her in Asphold and bought her back to life. She was so young, I thought she deseved a second chance. Also she is sort of my sister so I thought it only right to help out family" he said. His answer surprised me, he just bought her back to life, just like that? "Okay Hazel," I called over "I am going to take you to meet our Camps Augaur Octavian to see if you can stay or not, then I will get Dakota to show you around, assuming you can stay that is."

Reynico, was a long time comingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن