along comes Percy.

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Nico's POV:

I had been at Camp Half Blood when Percy dissapeared. I knew what was going on, my father had warned me. He also warned me that I couldn't tell anyone. I decided to take a trip to Camp Jupiter when Jason, Piper and Leo rocked up. I was afraid Jason would recognise me from all the time I spent with him and Reyna at Camp Jupiter. When I got there Reyna greeted me at the gate, "Nico, it's been to long, I was getting worried," she said with a grin on her face from across the Little TIber. I waved at her as I waded across the river.  "I know, I know I'm sorry, I've been ahh busy," I decided as I noticed gaurds next to her. "We a need to have a chat," I called "It's about a certain missing person" I don't know why, but I got the feeling my father wanted me to tell Reyna, it just seemed like the right thing to do. "So Nico you said you had something to tell me, something about Jason?" she said. I hated the way she was always flirting with Jason, I don't know but something told me it was called jealousy. "Uh yeah, I was at CHB and three new demigods rocked up. In roman terms they would have been children of Vulcan, Venus and Jupiter. One of them was Jason" next thing I know is Hazel and her friend, Frank running up to us. "Reyna, uh and Nico um, Juno has just been carried along the river by one of Lupas newist recruits. Claims he is the son of Neptune. I think you should come have a look for yourselves." Frank Hazel Reyna and I walked down to the gaurd area. I had to look twice when I saw the son of Neptune. I couldn't believe it, it was Percy Jackson. I looked at Reyna and he knew who it was instantly. "Hello, I am Reyna, I am incharge of this Camp so it would do best to do as I say. So what's your name?" Percy started at her as if not sure what to say, the Percy I knew didn't like being threateded. "I am Percy Jackson and I don't like being talked to like that" he said politely. Reyna looked at me as if to say 'is he always like this?' I knodded. "Percy why don't you come with me, and Nico you can catch up with Hazel for a bit." she said and walked of with Percy.

Reynico, was a long time comingWhere stories live. Discover now