The first few weeks.

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Reyna's POV:

having Nico around was great, not just because I got to know him better and because we started talking so easily when ever we just hung out, but because he was such a neutral voice in the council. He was unbiased, he said what he tought and most of the time he came up with really good ideas. The ideas where especially good when Octavian hated them but Nico's plan worked better, we both loved it when that happened. Nico was also a great big brother for Hazel. It turns out that she had died in the 1940's because she had tried to save her mothers life, she had been cursed to find all the precious metals in the earth, but any metal she found was deadly. Nico taught her to control her curse, he also helped her control the flash backs she had been having. I was impresed by Nico's team work, what concerned me though was that his fighting tequniche was so, different. It clashed with others when we played war games, his sword would hit his team mates and then they would both be out. I geuss it was just the way he was trained but it was really starting to bother the other Campers. Also the fact that he kept having to back to his "other camp" which the Legionares didn't know about made them think he was kind of sketchy. Of course I knew what was up, but there was no way by Jupiter could I tell anyone.

Nico POV:

I stayed in Camp Jupiter as much as I could. Chiron and the others were used to me being gone long periods of time, but I had to go back and check in every now and then, but the legionares at Camp Jupiter thought I was a little bit shady always going 'out and about.' They probably thought I was up to no good. Hazel trusted me though, 100% no matter what I did, and I liked that. Also over the time I spent with Reyna we became really good friends. She was the only person along with Hazel that trusted me. She knew where I kept going and why. Working with the Romans was really cool, their team work was insporational, something I made a mental note of to take back to Camp Half Blood. Eventually I decided to sit out of war games becuase some of the people I fought with started to notice my fighting style was un-roman, more greek. Obviousley I couldnt help it but they would start to notice something wrong, and I didn't want them to figure it out. I told Reyna all of this, she was the only one I could tell. She was the only person that knew about both camps. I hadn't told Chiron or Percy or Annabeth of Hazel, Just Reyna. I knew I could trust her though, maybe it was her authority, or the  fact that she had to be able to keep so many secrets or maybe I just trusted her. I wouldn't know because I have never been able to trust anyone so much before and I liked that.

Reynico, was a long time comingWhere stories live. Discover now