He FINALLY asks me out.

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Reyna POV:

It's been 2 years since Nico and I took the quest to get the Athena Parthenonus got back to Camp Half Blood safely, and 1 year since I last saew him. I miss him so much. I think I now finally understand what I felt for him, I loved him, not just like a big brother, but I really loved him, and I still do. I've been to Camp Half blood a few times since our quest, but he is never there.

Nico's POV

I miss her so so so so so so so so so much. It's been a YEAR since I saw her. I've been to Camp Jupiter a few times since our quest but she is never there. I just want to see her again. Lately I've come to recognise what I felt for her. I fell in love on the quest, I have to find her, I have to. I decide to stay at Camp Jupiter a few more days, she can't leave the camp for too long being Praetor and all. I'm standing by the entrance gates and grab my sword. Someone is walking towards me. "Reyna?" I shout, hopeing praying that it's her. "Nico?" she shouts back. She runs towards me and a grab her and pull her into a hug. I don't hesitate as I kiss her, "Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, will you go out with me?" I ask as I let go of her. She looks like she is about to cry, I hope I haven't upset her. "Oh Nico," she says as she starts to break down "Nico DiAngelo, it took you long enough! Yes I will." she says jumping into my arms and kissing me back. "So how long are you staying?" she asks as we move towards the city, I look down at her. "As long as you want me to," I say " I will Iris message Chiron later and tell him." I just want to be with her. "Neeks, that would be great." her tummy rumbles. I lift her off her feet and she shrieks "Lets go get some food, I'm starving" I say putting her down and kissing her. We walk hand in hand into the mess hall. Hazel runs over, "dear Venus, thank the gods it finally happend. Piper has been telling me that this was going to happen" she says happily gesturing towards mine and Reyna's hands, "and it did." Reyna shifts her hand, and I pull it back, wrap my arm arounf her shoulder. "Don't be embarassed, she has just always wanted a big sister." I whisper, she blushes. 

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