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I can hear voices.

It's been a thing ever since I was little. When my sister and I were best friends, I told her, but she didn't believe me.

It's just the same at school. They call me crazy because I can see more than they can.

But I can see what's true.

I paced on the sidewalk, waiting for my sister to come out, thinking, wondering, not even caring that it's 1 AM. 

The front yard looks the same as always. It's boringly green. The only thing that shows a sign of significance is a sharp rock with jagged letters. 

{Rest In Peace, Jacob Stone}

This doesn't surprise me, after I know who did it. 

Everything went wrong after dad left and mom died. Of course, some people would say, "Dear lord, of course it went wrong, you poor kids!"

But I think it's all connected. Somehow. Someway.

Evelyn isn't back yet. She should be.

She had given me a smile and said, "I'll be right back."

She will be back.

She will be back.

She will be back. 

I feel the nausea as I look up at the window on the third floor. The only window on the third floor.

A shape walks by it. At first, I'm relieved, but then I realize that it's wearing white.

Evelyn was wearing green.

I thundered through the lawn, into the living room, and crashed up the stairs. I passed a halo of gray which was wearing a concerned look and followed it into the attic.

I hoped to see some sort of practical joke, but we were far beyond that. 

It was finally time.


What I saw in there, I can still see vividly to this day. But we weren't always like this.

Once upon a time, we were a happy-ish family. It's really hard to believe, I know.

But one day, everything changed.

Ever since that gray car got parked on 1195 Shannaway Avenue, everything turned upside down.

You get used to it faster than you can imagine. 

Nowadays, I feel nothing when I see these things, but I was just 13 back then. 

And when I was 13, I was pretty immature and cowardly.

It felt all wrong, and once I realized what was happening, I thought it was finally over.

But little did I know, it was just the beginning. 

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