Chapter 11 | ⚠ TW ⚠ |

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I was the first to grab the trapdoor and swing my legs over to get out

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I was the first to grab the trapdoor and swing my legs over to get out. Ignoring the footsteps behind me, I focused only on the direction of the sound. Pure adrenaline propelled me towards the living room.

A strange mix of sounds and shrieks seemed to echo through the house. Some alive, some faded memories. Some forgotten and vengeful. My mother's wasn't the only paranormal body around here.

I could hear Evelyn and our (possible) dad in pursuit. Somewhat comforted by their presence, I steeled myself for whatever could be out there. 

I was ready. 

I was wrong.

Thinly trailed, was a line of blood. Flashing back to the laugh and the scream, I somehow knew what was coming before it did. 

At the end of the trail was a pool. There was a person standing over it.

On the pool was an axe.

The same one that had been used to dig up my "grave."

I only daringly raised my eyes to the final item at the end of the trail. 

Millie lay sprawled out on the floor. The trail of blood had started from her stomach, where she had probably been hit by Andrew's axe. Her eyes had rolled up all the way. It was a sickening sight. Behind me, Evelyn suppressed a gag and clutched my shoulders. She was shaking.

My heart was beating fast and my legs had turned to jelly. Our dad froze for a few moments. They were probably the longest of my life. Who knows what would have happened if we'd just ran away then and there?

But instead of doing just that, dad decided to show himself. Evelyn ducked further along the walls. I propped her up and followed. Andrew turned towards us. Instead of looking remotely surprised, he just looked resigned.

"Still trying, are you? Just give up already. You know the battle has been won. But not by you."

Possible-dad locked his jaw, then opened his mouth to speak. "You're wrong. Do you think the truth you tried so desperately to hide could never be uncovered? You underestimated the strength of the mind, Andrew. Your empty promises to Jennifer were hidden purely based on strength of the body. But Jennifer had something more than you. She had wisdom. And that's what's going to get us out of here."

Andrew had listened with interest, but continued dismissively. "But she's dead, isn't she? Her 'wisdom' can't save you now? You can have unraveled the truth I tried to break, but you won't be able to do so if I finish what I started. You know, kids, what you see on Millie is what happened to your mom."

Evelyn gritted her teeth. I could tell she was done with crying. She had done enough of it today. "You know what's different between you, the truth, and I? The truth can be broken, your sanity can be broken, but mine cannot."

"Brave words. You sound a lot like your mother. Honestly kids, I liked you. I really did. But you're getting in the way."

He picked up his axe and started to proceed towards, us, but dad interrupted him again. "Stop."  And he cupped one of his eyes with his hand and blinked so that both his eyes turned green. Finally, he grabbed his beard and gave it a tug. Instead of crying out in considerable pain, the beard simply fell off.

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