Chapter 1: First Day of Senior Year

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        Devon L. Vinncer stared at the narrow apartment steps in front of her on a street she'd already forgotten the name of. Her black hair with purple ends hung loosely about her shoulders, She heard her mother's car pull away from the curb behind her, leaving her at her home for her senior year of high school. One of her hands rested on the handle of her suitcase and the other swung her dark purple backpack onto her shoulder.

She didn't even say good-bye because she was too busy on her phone. Devon thought of her mother bitterly, beginning her ascent to the door. At least you're out of that dreadful place now... I wonder if John is home yet.

Devon lifted her head and faced the door as she halted in front of it. She quickly punched in the code she had memorized from visiting her brother over the past year, since he had moved out.

John, being a year older then herself, had graduated the previous year and had immediately moved out, just as Devon longed to do. Both siblings found their home a perfect warzone at times with their parents fighting most of the time they were both home, and when they weren't fighting, they didn't pay attention to their children and so John had basically raised Devon and himself.

The door swung open and Devon, who was paranoid of doors closing with her squished in it somehow, ran inside with her old, worn suitcase bouncing after her. Maybe we should use the elevator this time. Devon suggested to herself. It'd be easier than lugging your suitcase up twelve floors! But one glance at the heavy doors had her starting for the stairs.

There was no apparent reason why Devon was scared of doors closing on her, but if you want my guess, it's because of all the doors she's had shut in her face. Her parents were always forgetting that she was following them and would often let the doors of restaurants, stores and even of the house where they lived close in front of her.

         Before we get to far into the story and I forget to tell you, and while Devon climbs the stairs, I'd better let you know that Devon has the ability to become invisible. When she does this, anything touching her skin becomes invisible as well.

You're probably thinking there's some epic story of how she discovered her powers, and in thinking this you're only partly right. Devon was twelve years old and she and her brother were walking home from school. John noticed a man following them and warned Devon. This only scared her, making her wish she couldn't be seen; that she could just disappear. She clutched John's hand. Then suddenly they heard the man cry out. They turned to see what had happened and in doing so, John let go of Devon's hand. He realized that she was invisible, so he grabbed her hand again and ran to their house, only up the block from where they were.

By the time they got home, Devon was visible again and John had told her what had happened. Since then, the two siblings became inseparable, or nearly inseparable. With John's help and encouragement Devon had learned to control her new-found gift. John proposed the idea of her becoming a superhero and the more Devon mulled the idea over in her mind, the more she liked it. They prayed about it, then John started a job to pay for Devon's training in taekwondo and knife throwing, the two fighting technics that most fascinated Devon. Soon, though, it wasn't necessary for John to pay for the classes because she excelled in them. Their parents took enough notice to start paying for them, so long as she brought them glory.

John kept his job so that as soon as he graduated from high school, he moved into his own apartment. Because of his business-inclined parents, he was a natural at it and was promoted to manager. And that leads us to where Devon is now, reaching the twelfth floor in the apartment building where John lives.

         Devon walked down the hall, toward her brother's grey apartment door. If he's not home, I'm goanna raid his snack stash. She grinned as she schemed and pulled out her apartment key. Just as she did so, she heard a voice further down the hall along with another apartment door opening.

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