Chapter 12: Vacation

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            Nine months passed and Devon grew more and more adept at patrol and fighting. She learned to trust Spiderman despite the little she knew about him and found herself wishing on more than one occasion that she hadn't promised to not ask him about himself.

MJ, Peter and Ned became close friends with Devon and John and they all, including John though, as you know, wasn't going, looked forward to the class trip to Europe. I joined Devon and her brother for supper a lot but Devon never wanted to talk about anything deep with me, which makes me believe that she didn't trust me. I get it, I'm a looser, but tell anyone I said that.

Anyway, back to Devon's perspective: Devon stood on top of the same apartment building as always, waiting for Spiderman and their last session together before splitting ways. She had her suit on and her arms folded as she studied to ground as if it fascinated her to no end. In reality, she was trying to gather her thoughts. God, please help me. I don't want to say good bye to him and soon I'm going to graduate and go to Europe! And life's moving too fast. I don't know what I'm supposed to be thinking. Please help me. Amen.

Inhaling deeply, she spun around at the familiar sound of Spiderman landing behind her. Hey, you might see him again... But we'll never be close, will we? Why does it matter? Come on, focus. S.H.E.I.L.D. She lifted her chin as she finished her thought.

"Hey, Devon, or should I say, 'Invisogirl'?" Spiderman walked up to her, "You ready?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Good answer." He smiled, "Do you want to spar before patrol today?"

"You know it!" Devon grinned and spread out her feet in a fighting stance.

Spiderman sprayed a web and Devon dodged it with a summersault and pulling a knife out. She blurred back and forth from being invisible and ran towards him in zigzags, throwing knives at his head in order to force him to sidestep before spraying another web, which Devon completely avoided by rolling into his feet.

He fell over her and she rolled back on top of him so that her knee pressed into his spine. Devon wrapped her hands around his chin and lifted his head back, forcing his arms out to the sides.

"Yield." She laughed.

He squirmed and Devon lifted his chin higher, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Spiderman. Yield."

He groaned, "Alright I yield."

Devon set his head down gently and stood up, "Now, are you ready?"

Spiderman stood up, shaking his head, "Can you turn away for a second so I can rub my neck, please?"

She folded her arms and leaned her weight onto one leg, "Not until you tell me the sparing is over."

"Alright. Let's go to the northern streets of Queens. Sparing is over." He swung down to the street and Devon watched him for a moment, wishing he'd let her swing with her one last time.

She shook her head. Quit being so sentimental. Focus. Devon commanded herself and ran down the fire escape, skipping every second stair. Devon vanished into the spring air and caught up with Spiderman from the ground.

"There's something going on in that restaurant." Spiderman's voice came through Devon's suit, "Let's go check it out."

Devon dashed into the restaurant behind Spiderman as he opened the glass doors. Her eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the dim lighting inside but as soon as they did she saw guns pointed everywhere that were immediately directed at Spiderman and shot. The bullets bounced off his suit and webs flew through the air.

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