Chapter 10: Introducing...

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            Devon watched Spiderman crawl up the side of a brick building and glanced around for some way to follow him. Would it be easier to just take the sidewalk? She wondered, but sprinted to the fire escape and lifted herself into it. Running across the rooftop, she leaped after Spiderman across the foot-wide gap between the buildings. Her breath caught in her throat for a split second and she scrambled after him on jelly legs.

God, please help me. She repeated in her heart, dashing and sprinting and climbing and scrambling after him. Devon jumped across a wider gap and grunted as she caught the edge of the concrete roof. She ground her teeth and pushed up. Her muscles strained and she heard another groan escape from her lips. A blinding street light glared in her eyes.


"I'm here! Just wait. I'm-" Devon pushed again but only succeeded in loosening her grip, "I'm coming."

Footsteps found their way over to her and Spiderman blocked the glaring brightness, "Give me your hand."

Devon squeezed her eyes shut and struck out her hand, expecting to find cold metal take it, but instead found the warm comfort of a hand. Spiderman pulled her up and let go of Devon's hand. She hid her hands in her armpits in an attempt to keep them warm.

"Are there gloves in this suit?" She panted.

"Maybe; let me see you hands." He took them when she extended hers; his hands were still free of his suit, "Mine just come in and out when I tap my thumb to the side of my index finger."

He bent over her hands. The blinding streetlights illuminated the cuts, which began to sting. How are we going to get all the way to John's place? And then he has to get to his place. Maybe we should split up so that he gets more sleep. But I have no idea where I am. Devon thought, scanning the area around them.

"I don't think they do. You should buy some tomorrow so you can come on patrol with me." He dropped her hands and glanced at her.

Patrol? Won't I slow him down? I'm not- shut up. Just focus on getting home. Devon thought and followed Spiderman to the far side on the building.

"Um, maybe parkour isn't the best way for you to get around. How do you normally do it?" He closed his suit around his hands.

"Running, on the ground, but is that really faster?"

"I don't know, but it's worth a shot. We can't be chasing bad guys like this. Here, I'll get you down." Spiderman extended an arm to Devon.

She ignored it and jumped onto his back, immediately second guessing it. Just hang on. And get off as soon as you're on the ground. She told herself, thanking God for being behind him so he couldn't see whether or not she was blushing. Spiderman swung into the alley and Devon jumped off of his back.

"I'll follow you from the ground." She whispered and sprinted to the sidewalk.

Spiderman climbed back to the roof tops and Devon ran beneath him, attempting to pace herself but found that he was still too fast. She pushed herself and ran and ran and ran. They soon passed the school and Devon let a smile break her weary face. Almost home.

Spiderman waved from across the street when Devon turned to let him know she'd found her apartment. She shuffled inside and stared at the elevator. If I go in quickly, I can rest on the way up. She bargained with herself. No, just take the stairs and sleep in bed.

She took the stairs slowly; every muscle in her legs ached. When she reached John's apartment, she let her backpack slump to the floor of her room and herself slump into bed with the suit still on.

Sketches of a Superhero: A Christian Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now