Chapter 2: Class Trip

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            Devon slid into her regular seat in homeroom and pulled out her new schedule. It was her first day of her senior year. The only class that is different from last semester is physics. I've put it off as long as I can!

Fellow victims of this headache they call 'school' joined her in the homeroom and took up the seats throughout the room. Don't get me wrong, Devon normally enjoyed learning new things, but I think it's a headache. However, this story is not about me, so let's return to Devon.

Devon smiled greetings to the few people she recognized from the previous year, but there were many who looked older because of the Blip and others just looked different for other more normal reasons. The few she recognized were the guy who's name she could never remember, who was also John's neighbor, MJ and Flash. She didn't smile at Flash though, but she did recognize him. He was her ex after all.

The students were called to attention and the principle welcomed them to a new year. This was proceeded by announcements about clubs and things that didn't interest Devon until there was mention about a senior class trip to Europe the coming summer. Europe?! I can't wait to go-wait, would my parents let me? Would John let me, for that matter? I don't think I'm ready to be that far away from him. I mean, what if something goes wrong with my powers? God would be with me, but would that be enough? Devon's mind cried.

She was torn out of her thoughts, however, by a tribute video of the Avengers who had fallen in the fight to protect our planet from Thanos. Devon blinked back tears at the end and stood up, wiping away the ones that had escaped as she did so.

Thoughts of the trip to Europe filled up her spare moments for the rest of the day. She sat in a corner of the lunch room, intending to practice lip reading, but couldn't get her thoughts off of worrying about the trip. She really did want to go, but she couldn't get past worrying about whether or not it would be safe. She longed for John to tell her to 'just chill'.

Just as she was walking from her last class, to the front door, MJ caught up with her.

"Hey." She spoke as she matched her pace with Devon's.

"Hey. You heading to detention?"


Devon glanced at her, thinking. Is she asking me to go with her?

"I'd join you but I forgot my sketch pad and I have taekwondo." Devon told her.

MJ shrugged, "what about tomorrow?"


MJ turned around and Devon glanced over her shoulder after her for a moment, watching the closet thing she had to a friend jog down the hall. Maybe we could get closer this year. She hoped but her thoughts soon returned to the present when she remembered she needed to hurry to get to her taekwondo class, which she had every Monday afternoon after school. Her knife throwing lessons were on Saturdays and Thursdays now, though she'd had both of them four days a week during the summer.

The sky was clouded over, making everything a little more grey as Devon jogged down the sidewalk. She kept her eyes on her brown, high-heeled hiker styled boots as they crunched red and orange leaves beneath her, until she came to the first intersection, where she started watching the crosswalk lights. The noise of New York's traffic surrounded her; the screeching of breaks, the blaring of horns, the voices of people and the song of sirens.

The noise changed slightly as the little green man lit up and the traffic paused in front of Devon and the other people who were waiting to walk across the road. They started out but suddenly a red and blue blur that looked something like a person swept in front of her, causing her to come to an abrupt halt. Spiderman!? Was her immediate thought.

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