Chapter 11: Training

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      Devon stood at the top of the fire escape and waited. Chilly air swept past her face and blew her hair around in circles and twirls in her face. I should've brought a hair elastic. She glanced at her writs and found the hair tie she kept there as back up. She pulled her hair into a braid and walked to the far side of the building to look at the street below.

"You ready?" Spiderman asked from behind her.

She turned to face him, "sure."

The mask over his face smiled, "good. We'll go south first. We're looking for anything illegal or wrong and we'll put a stop to it. If it's a bigger thing than shoplifting, then use our communicators and we'll work together. And I guess for you first night, just let me know when you're going in for something else, alright?"

"How do I use the communicator?"

"Tap your suit, right there, by your collar. Right next to the thing you touch for your mask."

"Wait, I get a mask?"

"That was the whole point of getting a suit, remember? The scarf?"


Devon put her mask on and tested the communicator as Spiderman swung off the building top, "do you read me, over?"

"Yeah but scrap the 'over' 'stop' stuff."

Devon ran for the fire escape and descended, "It's not really that confusing."

"Hey, I'm teaching you."

"Right, sorry, master." Devon grinned as she hit the ground and ran to the street, turning invisible.

"Are you on the street?"


Devon ran between the people on the busy sidewalks of New York, more and more thankful every minute that she'd started conditioning herself for long-distance running the week before. She scanned every person she could, watching for any signs of suspicion.

"The guy in the beige coat just pickpocket the old lady next to him." Spiderman's voice came to Devon's ear.

Devon spotted him and put her arm out to stop him. She unveiled herself.

"Return what you stole." She looked him right in the eyes.

He gulped. It's probably not everyday this happens to someone. She thought.

"Ok, ok. Sorry." He reached his hand into his pocket and showed her a wallet.

Devon took his arm and walked him to the old lady, who, along with everyone else on the sidewalk, was staring at her with wide eyes.

"Oh! Thank you!" The lady exclaimed, recognizing the teal wallet.

The guy gave handed the wallet back to her and stepped away from Devon, "Will you let me go now?"

Devon turned invisible again and ran down the street.

"Good job." She heard Spiderman say.

A headache began to form in the back of Devon's mind as the last of the sun's rays sunk behind the skyscrapers. She tried to focus on every detail about everyone and watch for suspicious activity in the alleyways as she passed their openings. Spiderman swung across the streets she ran down every so often.

Finally he interrupted her focus, "Looks good for tonight. Meet back at your apartment."

Devon nodded, hoping he could see her from wherever he was and turned to begin circling around and still cover another few streets. She slowed her pace a little and took in the supper hour of Queens. Restaurants held tables filled by families and loners alike and the sidewalks held hungry or happy people.

Devon eventually reached her apartment building after stopping two more pick-pocketings and investigating an alley she couldn't see into; it had been empty save a cat and trash bins. When she reached the roof she found Spiderman sitting on the concrete. Devon slouched down a few feet away from him.


"Your too tired to spar right now, I think, right?"

"Well... yeah?" Devon tapped her collar to remove the mask and give him a pleading look.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then."


Spiderman nodded and swung down to the street. Devon picked herself up and walked down to John's apartment.

"Hey, sis. How was your day?" John called from the kitchen upon her entrance.

"Full." She answered, falling into a chair in the kitchen, "What's for supper?"

"Chicken and macaroni."

"Hey, before I forget again, Ned wants to do a Star Wars movie marathon this weekend and this place has the best lack of supervision so I said I'd ask you."

"Just Ned?"

Devon rubbed her eyes, "No; Peter and MJ too. You're welcome to watch with us."

"As long as Cecily is allowed to come too, I'll allow it." John pointed a buttery spoon, from the macaroni, at her.

"Thanks." Devon smiled.

      Devon crawled into her room for an early night after supper and the minimum amount of homework she needed to do. She fell onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. Spiderman's voice still rang through her head, "the guy in the beige... check the alley to your right... your street clear?" She groaned and rolled over. This is going to be harder than I thought. I knew it would be hard, but this hard? How does Spiderman do it? And how did he learn to do it alone? He's amazing. No wonder he didn't want me to do this by myself. Devon thought, tapping the rugged floor with her drooping hand. He tries to do the right thing.

She smiled and pushed herself off her bed. Tiredly, she showered, pulled on her pajamas and brushed her teeth. Devon glanced at her desk and hesitated. The colors of Spiderman's suit still shone fresh in her mind. Just a quick drawing. But no rush. She decided and sat herself down to begin sketching.

The following day, Devon caught up with MJ and exchanged phone numbers after her last class. When they parted ways in the hall, MJ going to Decathlon practice and Devon to the front doors, hurried footsteps sounded down the hall behind Devon.

"Hey, wait." Flash fell into step beside Devon, "Where were you yesterday? I wanted to hang out."

Devon took a deep breath remembering the previous day and rubbed her eyes to hide her smile, "I had taekwondo. Let me know if you want to hang out in advance, Thompson."

"What about today?"

"Salon appointment."


"Alright. Why don't you come to John's place for supper?"

"Sounds great."

Devon glanced at him, "You're going to be late for Decathlon."

"Right. Bye." Flash disappeared in a Flash. See what I did there? Never mind.

         Devon jogged to her favourite hair salon, Rain and Roses. She let herself relax and listen to music through earphones as her hair was washed, painted, wrapped in tinfoil and dried. The stylist knew exactly what she wanted because she was a regular customer, and let her relax in silence.

Devon stepped out of Rain and Roses refreshed and let herself walk leisurely along the sidewalk, crunching leaves beneath her feet. Dear God, thank you for today! She thought, taking in all the colors around her; the taxi's yellow, the trees' orange and brown, the neon signs of the city in a myriad of color. She slipped her hands into her jacket pockets.

When Devon reached John's apartment she dropped her backpack off in her room and climbed the fire escape to the roof to wait for Spiderman. Devon met the masked eyes of Spiderman as she stepped onto the roof, however, and dogged a punch.

"Sorry. I had to make sure you were still on your toes."  


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