Chapter 5: Roma

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            "Hey, wait up!" The ever-more-familiar voice called from behind Devon in the school hall way.

Devon stopped, right before the art class door that she had been about to enter and turned around. What's his name? What's his name? Mark? Agh! Just ask him.

"Hi, um, I'm sorry, I forgot your name." She greeted him.

"It's Peter. It's ok, though because I forgot your name too."


"Ok, right, um, can Ned come on Saturday?"

"Who's Ned?"

"My best friend."

"Sure. But I can't afford to pay for anymore sandwiches!"

"Don't worry, I'll pay for Ned and me."

Devon smiled, "ok."

I guess making friends isn't has hard as I thought it would be. I should've tried a lot sooner. Devon thought, passing the door to Peter as she walked into the art class room just a head of him. The two of them found their usual seats, Peter next to Ned and Devon a few seats over from MJ.

Devon slumped into her chair, her gaze landing on the picture she had drawn four years ago in the same art class. It was a portrait of Black Widow. That was the year that she had betrayed Iron Man to help Captain America to escape and went on the run. So much has happened since then... It seems that only a few months ago I had a quick nap and woke up five years later. Devon thought before pushing the baffling thoughts aside and focusing on what Mrs. Lentil, who has always been Devon's art teacher, was saying.

When the Vinncers had been driving away from New York in the commotion of the battle before the Snap, Devon and John had been sitting behind their parents in their mother's white jeep. When they reappeared five years later their mother had cried and had a panic attack and their father had explained as quickly as he could while trying to calm her down. Thankfully, Mr. Vinncer had been the one driving and they'd stayed on the road.

It wasn't until a month later when Devon found out that Agent Romanoff had sacrificed herself in order to bring her back.

Devon sat up at the sound of her alarm, blinking rapidly. Get up, get up, get up. She commanded herself. Full body workout this morning, remember? And you're meeting with MJ and Peter and Ned. She ripped her blue blankets off her legs and felt her feet hit the floor.

Eggs sizzled in a pan in the kitchen and the beep of the toaster went off. John doesn't sleep in either, remember? Don't go back to bed. Devon hastily pulled on leggings and a tank top and sneakers and tied her hair up in a tight bun.

"Good morning!" John called when Devon turned the bathroom tap on to rinse off her toothbrush.

"Good morning!" She answered more enthusiastically than she felt.

Devon hurried into the kitchen and helped herself to two fried eggs, each with perfectly runny yolks and pepper sprinkled on top. These look amazing! She sighed and whispered a short prayer before devouring both of them.

"Thank-you." She told John after drinking a glass of milk and grabbing her full water bottle from the counter.

Devon headed for the living room and moved aside the coffee table and slid the couch back for the maximum amount of space that the small room would allow. She warmed up with basic Taekwondo moves and moved into faster paced exercises and then cooled down with cardio and stretches. By the time she was finished, the sky was lit up and the colors of the city radiated vibrantly through the apartment window.

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