Chapter 5 1/2

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(A/N: This is the first half of Chapter 5. Essentially what I have now. Sorry it's not complete but I wanna show progress.)

"I can't believe that just happened..."

It had been no less than three minutes since the two thugs that attacked Lincoln and Venus were brutally slaughtered by the same people they preyed on with Lincoln's new abilities showing themselves in the form of arm tentacles that mutilated his attacker with a faceless corpse remaining.

"I don't understand how this is a problem. Death is a common occurrence in the circle of life. I should know as I am the goddess of death and destruction," Venus replied, setting up the phone she nabbed from one of the thugs and using the stolen information from him to learn how to operate a phone which Venus thought would prove useful.

"You talk about it like murdering someone is a regular occurrence for you."

"That's because it is, Lincoln." Venus blatantly stated with no hesitation.

"Right. Given where you were in the forest, I should have figured that out myself. It's just... Yeah. They were dirtbags but it feels awful to kill someone in general is my problem," Lincoln said, shivering from how uncomfortable he was. "Listen, if you're going to be staying with me on your time on Earth, maybe it's best we keep the murdering at a minimum? Not only is it... morally correct but it will reduce the chances of being found out tenfold."

"Hmm... Very well. I accept. But if I am found out, do not expect a peaceful outcome. Based on my own experiences, inhabitants usually try figuring out ways to get rid of me or or my species when it invades another planet. While usually I can take over a planet in a matter of hours, it contradicts my current mission which is to keep my location unknown," Venus said.

Lincoln, surprised that Venus even considered the idea in the first place, felt relief by the fact that she listened to his request. He knew that being this space goddess would show that she has knowledge but usually also came with arrogance from what he usually read in stories.

"Well that's... wonderful to hear! I think we'll be able to get along maybe ten percent more now," Lincoln replied. "But now I need to start asking even more important questions when we get to my home."

"More questions? Very well. If it'll help you understand me and my situation even more."

"Well I'm mostly curious about... the arm thing. You know. When my arm turned into something right out of some Lovecraftian horror story? What was that?"

"Things will be answered soon enough. I think your living space will be a much more convenient place to talk about the details like this. Don't want any civilians learning about us."

Lincoln looked around the area to see that in the case. It seemed that no one was really paying attention to them at all but he knew it was foolish to think they were safe. He nodded and led Venus back to the large apartment complex where the Louds lived. Five more minutes had passed and they back quickly with Lincoln's family now up to their home instead of staying on floor one.

They walked across the room and headed into the elevator. Lincoln pressed the button to take them to floor 50. Venus stepped in, analyzing this machine. This was supposed to take them up? It was interesting, even to the alien goddess. Lincoln chuckled at Venus's action, closely looking at the buttons and wondering how the elevator worked.

"Never seen an elevator?"

"Incorrect. I'm aware of this sort of contraption. It just took me by surprise that you humans made one too."

"Humans aren't that dumb, Venus." Lincoln replied.

"Well compared to other races who have lived longer than your entire race, they seem dim-witted in comparison. No wonder the Martians decided to simply observe your race instead of making contact. Such a shame they went extinct. They were quite interesting. Not to make conversation of course but their culture and inventions were eye-catching to say the least."

"Oh. We figured out the Martians existed! We found some ruins that we assumed belonged to them. Just... Couldn't figure out how they all disappeared."

"Oh. They left the planet about forty years ago. They mostly lived underground but things got dangerous for them after a Civil War broke out between their civilizations. Now all that's left is a ghost town of forgotten aliens."

"Did... Did you do that?" Lincoln asked in slight fear.

"Oh no. I don't cause political breakouts and wars among the masses. That's Mozdarechs job in case I don't feel like wasting time on small threats." Venus replied, getting a confused look out of the Loud.

"Who's that?"

"No-one important at the moment. You'll learn about him soon. Trust me."

Lincoln shrugged and went silent. He looked at his phone as he waited for the elevator ride to be over with Venus still looking at the elevator which the Loud thought looked humorous no matter what. Two minutes passed and the elevator stopped, having reached the top floor. The door opened, allowing the two to walk into the Louds large apartment home which looked gorgeous, definitely a big sign of their wealth.

"I'm home!" Lincoln excitedly exclaimed.

(All I got right now. But don't worry! You'll be seeing the rest of the cast and an OC by a friend of mine! Hope this is good for now. I'll try my best to update as soon as possible!)

Of Louds And Goddesses: Tidings in the DarkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora