Chapter 3

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Vanzilla zoomed across the pearl while bridge, giving everyone a wonderful view of the river flowing from the Great Lakes around the large Metropolis. Lincoln couldn't help but stare at it in its glory. 

It was a breathtaking view. Made even more spectacular by the fact that this advancement was made in just a few years. All over the world it seemed that humanity had reached a new era of advancement thanks to Lisa and her many scientist co-workers working to improve  living conditions for everyone, including the poor unlucky people who lived in the slums of most cities. 

While affording homes and such were much easier now, lifestyles and culture in the West seemed to get even worse as more and more places advanced with technology, leading to a boom in internet use and money. It seemed that instead of wealth, your status was determined by your looks, your home, and neighborhood. A very judgemental time that has sadly caused mental health to worsen for many people, including a few of the Louds who sometimes are plagued by stress related problems.

Venus looked at the city with a slightly impressed look on her face. These "simple" humans were able to evolve and make these sort if building in such a quick time was impressive given their short time existing. By her knowledge, human haven been around long. Or compared to an immortal space queen it's felt short.

"So this is Royal Woods? It's very... nice I must say." Venus said. "Very grand and breath taking." 

"Dang. Even I would remember Royal Woods even if I lost my memory. Guess that goes to shows it's serious!" Luan replied, getting a shrug from Venus. "But seriously, you'll love it! If... you look nice." 

"Look nice?" Venus asked as she raised an eye-brow.

"Luan I don't think now is the... correct to bring that up. Venus will learn more later," Lori said. 

That put an end to the conversation, making everyone go silent and watch out the window or play on their phone with Lincoln getting out a 3DS from under the seat to play some Mario game. Once they crossed the bridge and entered the city, Venus's curiosity peaked once more only to be met with confusion. The area they were in seemed to be Slums of some sorts. Dirty and not very safe looking with trash littered and people paying against some walls in ragged clothes.

"Where are we?" Venus asked. "Seems nothing like what we saw from the bridge." 

"It's simply a disguise of some sorts. The biggest buildings you see from a distance hide the outer area known as Ketchum Ring. The slums where the undesired and unloved live. Crime is abundant due to most sponsors not caring for the slums, only donating the bare minimum to get some protection down here." 

Lincoln scoffed in annoyance, getting Venus's attention. She made a mental note to ask Lincoln about this later. She looked ahead and saw a giant wall or cliff of some sort appear ahead with a gate. A sign next to it had the word "Lift" on it.

"Alright. Getting to the elevator so wait need to wait a bit, Lori told everyone.

Vanzilla came to a halt as they waited in front on the gate. Two small spherical robots with metal tendrils on the back appeared from the wall with one scanning the car and one heading to the driver window and spoke to Lori in a robotic voice.

"Licence. Identification. Please." 

"What? I'm Lori Loud. Sister of Lisa Loud? Your creator?"

"Do not bring my mother into this, ma'am." the robot said, not hearing Lori mention Lisa being her sister.

As the eldest sibling talked with the robot, Venus looked around. It didn't look very clean down here. Most of the road was cracked with grass and weeds growing out of the openings. Garbage cans littered here and there with some toppled over by scavengers needing food. It was disgusting, especially to the alien. 

"How disgusting. So they can't clean this area up because of how it looks?" Venus asked, getting a nod from Lincoln. "Idiotic. They can't make the area up to their standards if they don't even bother to clean it." 

"That's because the residents aren't rich or beauty models. They live in poverty and that alone deems them unworthy of any assistance. Blasted corporations. I try to make the next great leap in humanity and those greedy crooks use it to make things worse." Lisa spitefully said. 

Lori soon finished talking with the robot, allowing them to pass through and ride the elevator up.  After a minute or two, they were free to drive, now entering the gorgeous city everyone could see from far away. Venus saw more machines roaming around for protection, large bulky humanoids with large guns ready to protect and serve.

"Impressive. But I've seen better," Venus said from under her breath with only Lincoln and even Lisa hearing, however the little scientist did not bring it up. Just eyeing Venus with more suspicion. "Where do you all live? Is it nice?"

"Nice? Nice is an understatement. We get special treatment on account of Lisa essentially started this whole robot age! We're rich beyond anything else! So... I guess that's good," Luan said, her voice giving off a hint of nervousness. Perhaps things weren't all that cracked up as it seemed for some of the upper class as well. Interesting. This family seemed to hide some secrets that would soon be revealed no matter what to the space goddess. 

"This is nothing new compared  the countless other civilizations I've come across. However, these humans act much differently. They're much more social creatures. Talking together and even having fun. Studying these creatures will be entertaining to say the least."

Vanzilla came to a stop as it parked on the sidewalk with everyone starting to get out. Venus followed them, taking a look at the city around her. Seeing the mono-rails carrying trains full of people. Billboards with many types of ads showcasing beauty products, food, and many other mundane things taking up the ad space with nothing looking interesting to her. It just seemed like junk.

"I don't understand the use for any of these," Venus said.

"Me neither. Half the time, they don't even work! Depends on how much cash you got is the thing. The more you pay for it, the better condition you get it in." Lori replied. "But here we are. Our home." 

Venus looked up and saw where they were. A tall, shiny building all covered in glass going up into an oval shape. It was remarkable and even stood out from the rest of the buildings as well which let Venus guess that whoever lived here was really special. 

"Welcome to our home! Well... Our home is at the top. It's like an apartment for over ten people! You'll love it!" Luan said as she headed inside.

Yes. I'll love it," Venus said, heading inside with everyone.

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