6 (A Chaotic Wrath)

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(A/N: This chapter was not written by me, but for this story! My friend who goes by Harbinger wrote this one-shot and I thought this could be a good chapter to use until I could write another one. But for now, enjoy this chapter! And keep in mind, this was not written by me so the writing style is very different. P.s, Solis is his OC, not mine.)

30,000 Light Years Away from Earth...

The Tetran Empire, a proud civilization with many worlds under their heel and brought low, taking advantage of their advanced cloaking and scanning technology to avoid The Great Hunger from being able to trace back their coordinates, for all the wide range Venus has possessed, she cannot cover the galaxy at once as she is. But for the Tetran Empire, their ransacking and enslavement of many lesser unfortunate races that were scattered by her, karma had arrived for their hubris, they were being battered and torn by another deity just like her, the moon colony of Nyx suffered immense damage from the forces of the Purified Chaos.

Giant beams of light periodically rained down from the sky and destroyed random structures. The point defense air-force battled overhead with the Purified Chaos while yelling and plasma fire was heard throughout the air, all the while the battle rages all around. The commanding officer of this colony in particular known as Hesdros, was seated in his bunker, waiting for the storm to pass so to speak, the assorted Hallowed forces had surrounded the structure out of range of the turrets.

It was relatively quiet as the reptilian soldiers trained their guns in prep for what they believe to their last stand, "LLLAAAAAA!!" A harmonic pitch was heard as the flapping of wings was heard overhead as the Butterfly monstrosity that is the Tempered Supplication was like the bell that tolled for the one that lurked inside.

And from the beautifully bizarre horde came a soft-humming as they shuffled to make room for their Goddess to pass through, her turquoise eyes glittered with amusement, her red horns gleamed in the sunlight with her blonde,red and blue hair, with her casually walking forward with her hands behind her back, Solis smiled sportingly at the barrier separating her and her target, but their hubris is to be punished.

"Do not come any closer!" One yelled threateningly at her, rearing up his weapon though to the warrior princess, his posture was positively sloppy! Too shaky, not enough confidence in his training and his weapon, oh he'd never last long in a real battle, oh wait~

Solis ignored the threat and continued forward at the same pace as they seemed to get the hint that she isn't stopping that they opened fire upon Solis, the plasma fire streaking through the air and striking her all over, only to their disbelief she wasn't feeling their blows, each bolt was strong enough to blow off limbs and give 3rd degree burns on glancing hits, but she wasn't being harmed by anything.

By now the turrets had trained on Solis and opened fire as well as she slowly closed the distance, with her soft smile soon started to grow wider and more unhinged before she decided to stop beating around the bush and get to the real fun, with a exhilarating and crazed laugh, she started to bolt with her hands bared to tear towards the nearest soldier who was firing as much as his gun could allow, screaming in terror, the rest of the dispatch fared no better.

One swing of her hand was enough to separate the soldier's head from his shoulders as blood spurted from the stump, the body soon falling after, another soon fell when the soldier threw caution to the wind and attempted to smash her head with the butt of the gun only for her to whirl around with a crushing roundhouse that shattered his hip bones and punctured his many organs.

"Come on! Is this truly the best warriors that you have? I haven't even began to sweat yet!" She goaded them in a language that was lost to all but her, but the taunt was well known as they backed away like frightened lambs, making Solis scoff at their cowardice.

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