Chapter 10 (Back to School Part 3)

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When the three finally left the building, Lincoln began to lead them to the correct bus stop. The white haired Loud let Lucy have a ride on his back while Venus simply minded her business and didn't say a word.

It was slightly quiet in the streets. Sure, a few cars and flying security bots were going around but nothing too loud was roaming the city. It gave off an odd feeling to the Loud boy but it felt welcoming to Lucy. The wind blew past the three as they headed down the street, eventually coming to a bus stop with Venus sitting down on the bench.

"Hm. These benches are quite uncomfortable. I'm surprised you can sit on these correctly," Venus said, the bench she sat instantly began to bend downwards from the aliens' more than average sized curves and weight which almost got a laugh out of Lincoln, although he did his best not to chuckle.

"Let's just wait here for the bus. It'll take us to my school and you can... do whatever your new job at the school is."

"I act as a monitor for the school. Patrolling the building to make sure nothing that you deem to be wrong is occurring," Venus replied bluntly.

"Well that's good! Doing some simple protection. Could even bust some bad crime fighters today! Make you look good!" Lincoln said, giving an encouraging tone.

Lucy looked at Venus, observing her general looks and size. "I wouldn't think anyone would commit a crime with a giant towering woman like her around. We've seen how strong she is these past few days. Remember when Dad got Vanzilla stuck in a ditch and she essentially lifted it up by the front and put it back on the road?"

"I must have done... lots of healthy eating before I lost my memory," Venus replied, trying to not seem odd or suspicious to the goth. Lucy simply shrugged, buying the excuse as normal for Venus since it was obvious she was anything but. The chubby Loud decided to ignore it and went silent as they waited for the bus to come.

Some time passed and a white bus began to arrive down the street. The clean vehicle did not have any wheels, instead floating above the street with advanced technology with blue lights radiating from the bottom of the bus. The windows were pitch black, not allowing anyone to look inside but allowing passengers to look outside instead. Pretty quickly it stopped right by the three and opened the doors, Lincoln walked in with Lucy trailing close to him with Venus walking in last with the tall goddess getting her very wide hips slightly stuck in the door at first.

"Holy hell..." the bus driver muttered at the sight of the beauty before him. He shook his head to regain his focus and stopped Venus when she got unstuck. "Uh... Mind if I ask your business?"

"Ah. I'm new here and signed up to act as a guard or hall monitor for Royal Woods Highschool. I applied a few days ago and quickly got the position. Excuse me for using a vehicle designed for the smaller human-er students to use but I do not have any personal means of transportation." Venus replied. She dug into her pockets and showed him an I.D the school had sent her yesterday with some of the info not being complete on account of Venus "having no memory".

The driver looked at it and shrugged, giving Venus the go ahead to take a seat. The alien nodded and walked down the aisle, having to bend down to not hit her head on the ceiling. She slowly made her way over to an open seat right behind Lincoln and Lucy then proceeded to sit down.

"Hm. These seats feel very small for me." Venus said to herself. "So this is the bus? It's very cramped to say the least."

"Cramped for the one that made herself what I assume to be seven feet tall?" Lincoln spoke in a hushed tone, making sure no one heard them.

"Seven foot one to be exact," Venus replied. "Besides. I find this body to be quite comfortable, even with the looks some humans seem to give me."

Lincoln chuckled a slight bit. While Venus was a hassle sometimes, making sure she didn't do anything that would blow their cover, it was fun to see her just interact with the things on Earth. Her curiosity was charming to the Loud although he wouldn't say that to her face. Getting to know the goddess has been an experience to say the least but he wouldn't say that it was terrible.

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