To Be Offered

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Shorter lead you through the brightly colored town illuminated with the city night lights and through the doors of small Chinese food restaurant.

Chang Dai, was what the sign outside read. Nothing fancy about it, quite an ordinary place that was empty way past its closing hours. Yet it did feel homey once you stepped foot inside the building. It was warmly illuminated and made you feel somewhat at peace for the first time in a long while. It was the type of atmosphere you felt like you were supposed to belong in.

"Oh, I'm Shorter by the way," he said breaking the silence as he closed the doors behind you. "I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself before hand."

You nodded with a faint smile. "Yeah I know, I've heard a lot about you. You're kind of a legend on the streets."

Shorter let out a chuckle. "Oh, because there is probably no other Chinese boss with the same style as me."

The way he attempted to flirt with you was pathetic. However, you met his language with a scoffing laugh in return.

"I'm Y/n," you said with a soft smile grazing across your face. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"Aye no worries," he replied with a grin. "I'm just glad that I could bring you to safety."

A petite young woman with short dark hair then appeared from the back room, carrying a few menus under her arm. She scowled at the purple haired gangster as soon as she acknowledged his arrival and muttered, "You're back late," with a clearly irritated tone. Shorter scratched the back of his head with a light chuckle. "Sorry sis," he said with a hint of embarrassment. He then stepped aside to reveal your presence and gestured towards you. "Somebody needed my help."

Shorter then turned to you. "Sorry 'bout her," he told you with a wide grin. "This is my sister, Nadia. We both own this place."

You were taken aback. Sure, It was obvious that they were both siblings, but their appearances were complete polar opposites from each other.

Nadia had a sleek stoic appeal with a mature sense of behavior while her brother was something else. Just a little something extra you suppose.

You actually managed to smile for once at her as you introduced yourself. "I'm Y/n," you bashfully said while still remaining a kind appearance. "I'm sorry to be a burden, but I can't thank you both enough for letting me stay here."

Nadia broke her stoicism and returned your warm expression seeing that you showed timidness in your mannerisms. "It is no trouble at all," she replied graciously. "If you need help, you need help. Here, come sit down." She pulled out a chair for you at one of the tables in the center of the dining region as you took a seat.

"Here," she said handing you a menu. "Order anything you'd like. I will be right back." With that, she disappeared back into the backroom with Shorter now making his way over to you.

"Y/n huh," he asked as he pulled up a chair, placing it backwards against the table and sat across from you, chin resting in his palm and lenses gleaming directly towards your position.

A shy smile inched across your face. "Yeah," you confirmed, slowly feeling yourself warm up to him. He hummed in response.

"I don't think I've ever met a girl with that name before." Nadia returned from the back room while rolling her eyes. "Oh please," she scoffed towards you. "Don't mind him, he flirts with every girl he breathes the same air as." Shorter whipped his head around.

"Shut up, Nadia," he snapped with his sister shooting him a disapproving glare. "That's not true!"

"You're so pathetic," she sighed, pulling his ear which made him grunt in discomfort. "And please sit properly when you're across from a lady!"

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