Here have some headcannons

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Hello! The next part is on it's way!! In the mean time, enjoy some head canons I came up with :)). (None of these are associated with the story)

Sing was that kid at the playground that would sell Pokémon cards and bey blades (if that's how you spell it)

Arthur is secretly a country boy deep down. I just know that guy owns a pair of cowboy boots...

Dino absolutely glosses his hands in Vaseline (hurls)

Shorter has once called Yut-Lung "pretty illumi" and now he hates him for it

Blanca has rewatched Bridgerton or any other period romance more times than we have rewatched Banana Fish

Shorter and Eiji were once horse playing in the kitchen when Shorter fell into the pantry and accidentally turned on the vacuum cleaner along with knocking over a lot of food and spilling it all over. (Idk I once had a dream about this😂) Ash was beyond pissed and had them both clean up the mess which took hours. (I'll let the reader decide of what the scenario looked like in Ashes POV when he first found them like that)

Shorter's Snapchat story is beyond chaotic with things such as getting really high and him doing parkour which always ends with him running into something at full speed. (And other things such as that)

Blanca has once accidentally walked in on Yut-lung doing the slow WAP to driver's license on top of a dresser.

Yut-Lung is verified on TikTok, but each time he posts a video, Blanca can always be seen in the background doing something and it annoys the living hell out of him. (He has a video captioned 'Blanca being Blanca' and it's just a bunch of clips of him not paying attention and accidentally walking in in a meme format.

Shorter too has a TikTok which he and Eiji love to do different trends together while Ash films them thinking that they are idiots. (I specifically see them doing the "my head is a screw trend Aka
The perfect match trend lol) He and Yut-lung are also constantly slandering each other in the comments and @@@ each other in offensive posts which leads to another round of dissing (it got so bad that Ash had to take Shorter's phone for a day while Blanca had to take Yut-Lung's)

There was one time when Shorter actually convinced Ash to be in a TikTok with him and Eiji and it literally took them twenty five minutes to do so.

Arthur loves slipping into Eiji's DMs and spamming him the YBC opening lyrics and links to the song because he knows that his innocence can't take it.

When the squad goes out together, everyone forms a protective circle around Eiji when they are walking because he is 'baby'

Shorter is actually a really good hip hop dancer, his Instagram mostly consists videos of him randomly dancing which Eiji can be seen watching him in awe in the background and quietly cheering him on and other videos of him having dance offs with his gang members when he's feeling that fun mood.

Ash is actually afraid of thunderstorms in the night so as soon as Eiji hears him whimper in his sleep, he cradles his head close to his chest and hums a soothing tune while stroking his hair and tracing shapes into his back. The combination of the sounds of Eiji's gentle heartbeat and soft vibrations from his humming never fails to soothe Ash back to sleep because it reminds him of his mother he never had.

Ash and Eiji created a playlist for each other and it contains of soft love songs such as BLUE and BITE by Troye Sivan and Can I Call You Tonight by Dayglow.

What are some of yours?? I know some of these are kind of weird but I just wanted to share them with you. Let me know if you want more and I'll try to come up with some! Again the next part is in the making so stay tune!! :) 🥰

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