To be Submerged pt. 2

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A/n: if you did not catch my previous post, this chapter does have a lot of trigger warnings. If you are sensitive to the topic that resembles Ash's past, I do not recommend reading past the stars provided. (I didn't go into detail, but I still thought it only appropriate to give fair warning)

As more time passed on, and the more you were met with the unbearable silence between you and Frederick, the more you began to see things in a more clear perspective. Invisible chains were latched at your wrists as long as you still decided to stay by his side.

A part of you had always subconsciously known that eventually that this day would meet you face-to-face at some point as long as you were declared his, and now the climax has struck and time had officially come forth.

One night as he was scaling the darkest corners of New York's underworld, committing horrendous acts of what only god knows, you, finally fed up in a storm of his behavior, had gathered your things- and your courage, and prepared yourself for the big declaration that you were officially unfastening your grip of his hand and leaving this way of living for good.

By the time the door handle turned announcing his arrival, you were already standing before the door's frame, ready to share your news with full authority.

However, your pride suddenly vanished when he emerged through the door with his hair in a tangled mess in dried blood along with matching hands, and skin marked black and blue with bruises up and down his everywhere. But above all, the soulless glare in his eyes had never looked more savage than any of those of a wild beast.

The man who had just barged in appeared anything but human as he stormed straight past you in a hunched rush as he went straight for the liquor stored away in the glass cabinet in the kitchen.

Pushing everything you were just about to do aside, you followed him with silent feet as he faced the counter with his back towards you. His hands trembled violently as he poured the amber liquid into the shot glass threatening to spill, tilting his head all the way back with the liquid to his lips and slamming it back down in all of a fraction of a second.

He grunted loudly with his shoulder blades pumping furiously due to hyperventilation that followed. You merely just eyed him across the room, cornering yourself as quietly as possible as he acted like an untamed animal at your counter who hasn't even noticed your presence at all since he first walked into your door.

"Frederick," you began just loud enough for him to hear you clearly, daring to see what his response would be.

He finally calmed his rigorous breathing as he at last, after a brief edge of hushed nothingness, replied with a simply irritated,

A painfully long silence buzzed throughout the entire apartment as you two interlocked eyes with one another.

His glacial hues glared upon you waiting impatiently for your words from afar, making your whole surroundings blacken out into endless tunnels which lead to his exact stance.

With pulse roaring loud enough to deafen out your own words, you simply stated it.

"I'm leaving you, Frederick."

For the longest time, you thought you had not even uttered a single word for he only remained motionless, as if all the clocks of the world had watchful eyes of suspense casting down on the space between the two of you.

But then the way he then blinked and his eyes darkened into glaring icy slits that screamed danger revealed that he had in fact heard your message loud and clear. His face not just somebody else's, but inhuman.

"What did you just say?"

By that time, he had set down the glass and faced you completely. His body squared up in an enlarged form, leaving you feeling weak at your knees and fearing the next moments soon to follow as long as you were in his view.

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