To Be In Sancutary

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Shorter pulled out a set of keys from his pocket right when you two turned a corner of a street not too far off from the restaurant. A sudden sense of warmth filled up within you when you were greeted by rows of little brick apartments all lined up together in perfect unison.

"Well," he chirped as he lead you up a small staircase and to a little green door of his place. "This is it. Welcome to my place." You silently stood aside as he jiggled the keys around in the door nob before the door successfully opened to reveal a place like no other.

His place was urban and lively. Red brick walls decorated with colorful neon signs that gave off a gentle hum from the buzzing sounds, dark wooden floors that gave off no eerie creak under your feet, white chairs in the living room to balance out the hip/hop furnished place, and a massive black leather sofa seated cozily in front of a giant Samsung television along with a gaming console.

This place definitely matched his personality, no doubt about it. It was warm and colorful just like him. Nothing at all like the spartan apartment you were forced to be contained in whenever you were Frederick's toy. Even the smell that filled your nostrils did not choke you with the stench of blood, instead it greeted you warmly with what seemed like cheap axe and soft pine with a dash of cigarette smoke like and old friend.

"It's not much," you heard Shorter say behind you as you were lost in awe. "But it's home." A warm smile grazed across your face. You could not have been more grateful to be able to stay in a place like this. "Are you kidding," you said turning around to face him, eyes glistening with pure gratitude. "I think it's perfect." Shorter returned your smile. "Your room is to the left of the living room." He said. "My door is right across from yours." You nodded contentedly. "Okay."

He chuckled as he leaned his hand against the wall in a flirtatious slanted stance. "I feel so rude," he said. You cocked your head in confusion. "Why, what for," you asked. He chuckled again. "Because I'm not carrying anything for you. You didn't bring anything along with you when you left." You were able to crack a laugh. "Oh," you chuckled along with him. "No, I didn't need anything from that old place anyway." He nodded. "Well at least let me be kind enough to lend you some clothes for you to wear while you sleep." You nodded and muttered out a kind, "Thank you." He couldn't help but drop you a lingering smile before he disappeared into his room.

You sat on the black leather sofa while you waited for his return when the door opened to reveal him grinning while holding up a giant bright yellow hoodie and adidas sweatpants.

Both pieces of clothing looked far too big for you in his arms but you were grateful for how generous he was as to lend them to you. "Thank you so much," you said taking them from him. "Of course," he said. "Treat then well, they are my pride and joy." You laughed quietly. "Seriously, thank you so much for everything," you said again. He nodded at you. "Of course," he said. "I'm just glad that I can help you. Seriously, you deserve so much better than that man." You hummed in response.

"What time is it," you asked trying to avoid continuing on that conversation. "It's about four in the morning," he said. "You go get some sleep. Here, I'll show you to your room." He lead you to the bedroom that looked a lot like the rest of his place, but the bed had a clean white comforter along with urban abstract paintings clinging onto the wall. You felt your heart warm inside you with bliss as your eyes glossed with blots of tears. "It's amazing," you said quietly while as you hugged his clothing close to you. "I love it."

Shorter stood in the doorway fighting hard to find words to say to you in response. Little did you know that you were already so precious to him. You were something more than just a helpless puppy for him to pity, you were something beyond words. Something that he couldn't even describe all the pretty girls that he used to play around with that would wander into his territory. None of them could even come close in comparison to how he saw you, for they never took their time to actually get to know him. All they wanted was a good time with him that would never last for more than one night, all just so that they could say that they slept with a gangster, breaking his heart in the long run.

He pitied those kinds of girls drunken in their own desperation more than he pitied you. You however had potential, a hunger for true life, and that's what he loved about you. Yet, he knew how damaged you were from your previous relationship and were just now starting to put your own pieces back together. He feared that if he moved to fast on you, then you would shatter and crumble once again.

Therefore, he decided to keep his distance in the meantime and merely just replied, "Of course. Goodnight Y/n." He then gently shut the door to leave you alone in your room in peace. You undressed yourself silently, nearly throwing off Frederick's old green jacket and clothing yourself in your new wardrobe. Of course, you nearly drowned in Shorter's titan-sized clothes. The waistband of his sweatpants kept falling down slightly, and his bright yellow hoodie fit like a ball gown falling down to your thighs and sleeves completely covering your fingertips, but they gave you a sense of comfort you had not felt in so long.

The smell of his lingering cologne in his clothes wrapped you up in a sweet, loving embrace, not at all like the putrid stench of blood that would suffocate you anytime you were even anywhere near Frederick. The warmth of his hoodie swallowed you into sanctuary once you lied down on your bed, making you feel anchored and secure in its safe, safe enclosure.

Though not used to this new feeling of peace, it was a comforting thing to think about now that you had reached it at last as you felt yourself drift off into unconsciousness.

Tomorrow is a start to a new life.

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