To Be Falling

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⚠️TW⚠️ [Violent chapter]

Walking lazily down the late night streets of Chinatown, The violet-haired gangster had his head tilted down low, eyes cast down to his trudging feet while falling heavily into his own thoughts and regret of what he had done to hurt you.

Though he tried to push them away by keeping a straight face, the image of your heartbroken reaction towards him kept clinging to his conscience and beating him down in a way that throbbed internally.

All he wanted was to keep you safe, he never meant to hurt you anymore than what you already were. The last thing he ever wanted was to see you fall apart again, and now that he could see that he had failed, he could feel himself shattering alongside your non-present form.

He couldn't take his melancholy emotions anymore, he had to go back and make sure you were stable, even if that meant pouring his heart and soul out all night just to apologize to you.

He reached for his phone out of his back pocket and pressed on a contact, drowning out the hollow ringing on the other line.

"Yo Ash," he said monotonously as soon as he heard it click. "I don't think I can make it tonight."


Your whole body erupted in agony from the sudden impact against the wall, causing you to wail out in pain and your lungs left fighting hard to force air into them on their own. You struggled to catch your breath, leaving you weak and defenseless in your abuser's lock of you.

"So this is where you have been," Frederick snarled with his hot breath suffocating your airways. Your chest cavity locked into place and your eyes submerged in tears. You wanted to fight back but you knew it that it would only lead to you trading your life in return.

"You dare run from me," he asked you again while compressing you to the wall even tighter. You winced in pain as you felt your body rock back against solid brick. "I'm sorry," you pleaded while chocking on a cry. "I'm so, so sorry. Just please stop."

That however, only encouraged his sickening disires. You should have known that the more you begged, the more power he had hunger for dominated his emotions, possessing his actions and left him twisted in his insanity. He merely just chuckled darkly, watching you suffer before him was an entertainment system in his eyes.

You stopped begging and you stopped crying. You just squirmed in hope to break free and sprint for your life, but you were tranquilized when his voice turned soft and hushed you quietly, releasing the crazed look in his eyes. 

"Now now," he said calmly with his lips hovering close to your ear. "Don't struggle, just calm down." You obeyed instinctively and held your breath while waiting for his instructions. Perhaps he for once show mercy on your wrong doings if you prayed to the heavens hard enough.

"Now," he began with his eyes narrowing. "I thought I made myself very clear that if you didn't behave, then I would take you back to the Old Man."

Your breath immediately became shallow as memories of that place rushed through you. It left you with emotions you could not hide anytime he mentioned it. A tear rolled down your cheek followed by many many more, showing that you were silently imploring for him to not even dare about thinking of taking you back.

"But I am not going to just yet," he grumbled. Your eyes widened in astonishment at his words. He looked at you dead in the eyes with a face carved of stone. "Not if you be a good girl, and come home with me right now," he added.

Your entire body trembled in his hold as those words echoed over and over in your head. You had a matter between life and death laying right in front of your feet. If you choose to take his hand, you would be closing the door to freedom once again. This time, possibly for good.

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