Part Three

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"Guess who took a nap with me for two hours, today?" Sapnap haughtily bragged from George's doorway.

George sighed, not bothering to move his arms from across his face to look at Sapnap. "Patches?"

"Damn right!" Sapnap excitedly exclaimed and began to mockingly sing, "Patches loves me more than you! Patches loves me more than you!"

George smiled despite his headache, blindly reached for one of his pillows, and aimed it toward Sapnap's voice. Sapnap easily caught the pillow and threw it back. George let the pillow collide with his arms and sighed once more. He was so tired since he didn't have any blood in his system to keep his energy up, but his bloodlust was making him restless so he couldn't sleep. All he could think about was blood. He was starving.

"What's with you today? Another migraine?" Sapnap asked.

George simply nodded. It wasn't every night that George could go out and leech on people's blood, so days like this were bound to happen. As far as Sapnap was concerned, George simply had a medical condition where migraines settled in and left him crippled until they simply went away. Dream used to believe the same thing, but if he were here to see George now, he'd understand it was a lie. George didn't spontaneously get migraines for no reason. It only happened when he was deprived of blood.

"Should I grab Patches? She's a good cuddler."

George chuckled. "No. I'm fine. I'll just sleep it off."

"Now?" Sapnap walked over to George's window and peered behind the curtain to see the sun was still sinking below the horizon. "The sun's not even gone yet. How long do you plan on sleeping?"

"I'll sleep until the migraine's gone."

"Alright. Feel better, man." Sapnap walked across the room and grabbed the doorknob to shut George's door, but George yelled at him to shut the light off before he left. Without another word, Sapnap turned of the light and shut the door.

George sat up from his bed and moved towards his window. He pushed back the curtain and planted himself in front of it, staring at the sun as it set. He was anxious to leave. He could set out on his mission for a victim whenever he wanted, but considering he got shot less than twenty four hours ago, he didn't want to be careless. He had to be extra careful for the next few days. A hunter had spotted him and they would tell their other hunter friends to keep an eye out. There was no room for error if George wanted to come home alive.

Or rather.. undead?

Was there even a difference?

A few minutes later, George heard a knock on the door and didn't need to hear anything more for him to know who it was. "George?" Dream called through the door.

"Come in," George called out.

Dream cautiously opened the door, stepped inside George's room, and shut the door behind him. He flicked on George's light and anxiously rubbed his bare wrist as he stepped further into George's room.

"Waiting for the sun to go down?"


"If you go out tonight, are you going to get shot again?" Dream asked, his voice dripping with concern. "You shouldn't go to the same place as before, George. They're probably waiting for you. If someone spotted you, there's probably more hunters waiting for you."

George chuckled and glanced at Dream from his location in front of the window. "Trust me, Dream, I am well aware. I'm gonna be careful. I have no desire to die again."

Dream hummed and slowly lowered himself to sit at the edge of George's bed, who still had his eyes glued to the setting sun. Dream glanced at his wrists again, anxiously rubbing a thumb over it a few times. He could feel the tendons flex under his pale skin and see the prominent veins that were woven up his arm. Dream was reluctant and he was a little scared, but he wanted to be helpful. George needed help. They were best friends too. Dream could trust him. George said he was safe and Dream believed him.

A Smile With A Bite. DNFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن