Part Eight

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Dream managed to get himself and George home that night, but their night was far from over. Almost as soon as they stumbled into the house, they ran into Sapnap. George had lost a lot of blood while bleeding from his stake wound and Dream's hands were covered in blood from helping remove said shake. They didn't look good. There was no avoiding Sapnap's questions as soon as he spotted them.

Dream impatiently hushed Sapnap when he started blurting frantic questions at them. He needed his help getting the bullets out of George's body and they didn't have time to explain the entire situation beforehand. George was too weak after losing all that blood and Dream wanted to help him before he did anything else, so Sapnap shut up and got to work helping Dream.

"This is crazy," Sapnap muttered, shaking his head as he watched Dream dig into George's shoulder to retrieve a bullet. "This is just crazy, Dream. Why didn't he tell me?"

Dream pried the bullet free and George groaned, his head lolling. He was too out of it to pay attention to Sapnap's existential crisis.

"It's complicated. But trust me," Dream dropped the bullet into the paper towel in Sapnap's hand that already had three other bullets in it. "He didn't even want to tell me but I caught him in a similar situation. He's just scared of losing us."

"He's a vampire, Dream!" Sapnap exclaimed. "He feeds on people! We're people! I feel like we should have known for our own safety!"

Dream glowered at Sapnap. "He wouldn't hurt us. He's our best friend. Don't you trust him?"

Sapnap threw a hand up, shocked and confused as to how Dream was being so cool about this and making him feel like he was overreacting. He just found out George was an actual predator. He was higher up on the food chain than Sapnap and that was a hard thing to wrap his head around. It's not like he was scared of George or anything. He wasn't trying to accuse him of anything. He was just in shock.

Feeling defeated, Sapnap scoffed and relaxed his tense shoulders. "Yeah, I trust him, Dream. Of course I do. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this whole thing."

"Yeah.. I know.." Dream sighed.

Dream pried the last bullet from George's flesh and Sapnap left to throw them out. Dream took a deep breath and carefully looked George over one last time to make sure he was alright and healing. He mostly was. The bullet wounds were already gone but the stake wound was struggling to close. The wound was much, much smaller and almost closed but it looked inflamed and warped. Dream gently brushed his finger over it and George stirred in his delirious sleep.

Dream's eyebrows cinched with worry and he brushed George's bangs aside again, gently caressing his damp face. George was still pale and obvious wasn't handling the lingering pain very well. He had lost a lot of blood but Dream didn't know what to do about that. George needed to feed again. That should help. At least, that's what Dream assumed. He didn't know what George needed and there was nothing more he could do.

Maybe getting him into new clothes and putting him to bed was a good idea.

Still feeling a bit dazed from hitting his head, Dream cautiously stood and scooped George into his arms. George stirred and whined but didn't open his eyes. He didn't have it in him. All he could do was wrap his arms around Dream's neck to brace himself as he was carried through the house and to his room. Sapnap was close behind with a water in hand, ready to help if Dream needed him to.

"You said he killed the guy?" Sapnap asked when they were in George's room. He set the glass of water on George's nightstand and moved to help Dream take George's blood soaked shirt off. "The hunter?"

"Yeah. After he stabbed him, George snapped his neck," Dream explained, feeling a shiver travel up his spine. He ignored it, throwing George's destroyed shirt aside.

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