Part Ten

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The next day, George slept in late and didn't ask Dream for any blood. Even when Dream thought to offer, George was already locked up in his room for the night. Dream tried not to think about it too hard. It wasn't like they had just crossed major lines in their relationship the night before or anything....

Was George purposefully avoiding Dream? If Dream was pushing him too far, he should have said something. Either way, Dream wanted to apologize. He didn't want George to be uncomfortable. He didn't want their relationship to change. George was his best friend. He didn't want to lose him over some silly little teasing.

Although, it didn't feel that silly. Dream had touched George in ways he never thought he would. He had his erection in his hand, warm and pulsating. His hand was over George's pants but that didn't really matter. He could feel his arousal. It surprised Dream. When he asked George what feeding did to him, George simply said he liked having a willing participant. Dream didn't think anything sexual of that answer.

But maybe feeding did the same thing to George that it did to Dream. That can't be right, Dream decided, filled with denial. Because if George got turned on every time he fed, that meant he would've been hard feeding on all those girls at the nightclub. George even said he fed on guys. And did he get hard then?

Why did that thought piss Dream off more than anything else? He didn't want to imagine George getting turned on with another guy. Those guys probably wouldn't back away and respect George's boundaries when he decided he couldn't handle the intimacy. Dream would respect George no matter what. He wouldn't trust any sleazy bag guy to treat George fairly.

Getting turned on every time you fed on someone sounded like such an inconvenience. There was no way that was right, Dream decided. George didn't act surprised at all when Dream got turned on. He even said it happens. There had to be some science to it if it really did happen that often. Dream never got turned on so easily. It usually took some mental work to get him into that headspace.

For some reason, his body reacted to being fed on before his brain could say anything though.

"Would you let George feed on you?" Dream asked Sapnap, interrupting their previous conversation about a new Ubisoft game coming out. "You know, suck your blood?"

Sapnap arched a curious eyebrow at Dream as he spread mayo across a slice of bread, halfway through making himself a sandwich. "Uh.. I don't think so, Dream. I kind of like having my blood inside of me."

"Huh..." Dream said, drifting into thought.

He hadn't ever actually thought about his blood when he offered it to George. Maybe he did the first time. It was a bit strange to purposefully cut yourself and then pour it into a glass for consumption purposes. After that one time though, Dream had just forgotten that George was taking his blood from his body. That sort of thing was the least of his worries. The forefront of his concern was not giving in to his arousal.

"Would you?" Sapnap asked, turning to put the mayo in the fridge again. He froze a moment later, his eyes suspicious and locked with Dream's. "Have you?"

Dream shrugged, trying to act as casual as possible. "I have. It wasn't that big a deal to me."

Sapnap scoffed, shaking his head. "I don't know if that's smart, Dream. He may be our best friend but he's still higher up on the food chain than we are. What if something goes wrong and he.. like..."

Dream's eyebrows furrowed as he calculated where exactly Sapnap was taking this conversation. "What if he what, Sapnap?"

"What if he killed you?" Sapnap blurted, feeling partially guilty for even thinking it, let alone saying it. "I'm not saying he would want to or anything. Accidents happen. What if he loses control? What if he hurts you? How do you know he's not gonna—"

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