Part Six

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Several days had passed and Dream still accompanied George on his nightly runs for a bite to eat. George could tell Dream enjoyed it and that's why he insisted on going with. He might have enjoyed it a little bit too much considering the way he ended up breathless and with a pounding heartbeat every night. It turned him on. That wasn't a secret, though Dream probably thought it was. George knew though. He could tell.

Dream had let go of his protectiveness, however, that's what counted. George would rather Dream accompany him because he liked the beautiful women than because he thought George couldn't protect himself. Although, George was surprised that Dream hadn't brought any of the women they met home. George didn't feed on all of them, so that couldn't be the reason why he didn't. Dream always seemed so disinterested, despite what his hormones were revealing. His attention was always on George.

Maybe he wasn't turned on by the women, George contemplated. Maybe Dream liked the blood sucking. He had a similar reaction when George fed on him. The racing, hyper-concentrated heartbeat, the breathless panting, the lustful look in his eyes. Maybe he liked to accompany George, because deep down, he wanted to be a vampire too. He hadn't asked to be turned and George was thankful for that because he would reject the proposal immediately. Being a vampire was not as fun as Dream might think it is.

Maybe that assumption was George's fault. They had been partying every night for the past few days and it was... fun. It never used to be in George's defense. Schlatt enjoyed it. He enjoyed it far too much. George always thought of it as work. He fed on people to survive and the only way he knew how to was by using Schlatt's favorite techniques. That didn't mean George ever enjoyed the nightclubs or the women though.

Not until Dream entered the picture. They had fun together. George enjoyed drinking with him at the bar and then watching him dance with the girls that clung to him. He always looked so carefree and happy on the dance floor, despite the fact that his dance moves were subpar—at best. His skills on the dance floor didn't matter though. Women naturally flocked to him, which was rather useful for George. Dream was like bait and George loved more than anything to move in on their unsuspecting prey.

"What are you doing in here, George?" Sapnap asked as he walked back into his room.

While he was in the bathroom, George had threw himself on Sapnap's bed and waited. Sapnap's return had pulled him from his thoughts and he tilted his head to watch Sapnap fall into his desk chair and put his headset back on.

"I got bored," George answered simply.

"So, what? You came in here to bother me because Dream is taking a nap?" Sapnap chuckled at his own teasing jokes but kept his eyes on his game. He was playing CSGO. George could hear Sylvee talking in the background but Sapnap hadn't rejoined the conversation yet. "What have you guys been doing lately anyways? You leave late at night together, don't come back until sunrise, and then Dream sleeps all day long."

"He doesn't sleep all day long," George argued. Maybe that wasn't the focal point of Sapnap's question, but he was being dramatic, so George had to fight him on it.

"Are you guys dating or something?" Sapnap asked.

Still, Sapnap didn't even bother to turn around and it seemed like a question that deserved a little eye contact at least. George could barely believe what he was hearing. Sapnap had to be joking. He didn't sound like he was joking but maybe if he turned around, George would be able to see the humorous glint in his eyes and smirk on his face.

"What? What is wrong with you, Sapnap? We're not dating!" George yelled from Sapnap's bed.

"I mean, hey, no judgement. If you and Dream are a thing, good for you. I just hope you're not leaving the house because you think I'll be uncomfortable. Because I won't be," Sapnap insisted.

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