Part Sixteen

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Dream was sulking.

He had known for awhile now but he had his doubts. Unfortunately, his doubts weren't enough to keep him sane anymore. He liked George. It didn't matter that he was a vampire or that he had hid that secret from him. It didn't matter that George showed zero interest in him romantically. Dream liked him. He could tell himself it was just the hormones or whatever from being bit and getting turned on, but that wasn't true. Dream just liked him and there was no denying it.

George had all these little habits that he didn't even notice that Dream noticed and admired. Whether he was running his hands through his hair or cracking his knuckles or sitting funny in a chair, Dream found himself smiling. He loved when George was laughing and having a good time, being his free-loving, goofball self. He loved that George didn't hesitate when kissing him anymore and that he moaned when they touched each other.

Dream wanted to devour George completely. He wanted to take him into his bed and have his way with him. He wanted to hear all of George's noises, moans and whimpers and gasps. He wanted to turn George's brain inside out with pleasure. George was smart when he declared he wouldn't be giving Dream his virginity because Dream wanted it now. He wanted to defile the little vampire and prove the beast inside him that craved George was more dangerous than some little fangs.

"Earth to Dream," George drawled, snapping his fingers in front of Dream's face.

Dream flinched away from the hand a hair away from his nose. He hadn't even realized he had zoned out. Thinking of George had done that to him a lot recently. He almost forgot to breathe when he was thinking about George.

"I'm gonna make food. What do you want?" George asked impatiently, as it was the third time he had asked the mindless blonde.

Dream shrugged, tearing his eyes away from George. He couldn't look at him. He was a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, he was so obsessed with George that he wanted to grab the little idiot and hold him hostage in his arms forever. On the other hand, he was so frustrated with George's blatant obliviousness that he didn't even want to speak to him.

How could he not recognize Dream's feelings? What kind of friends did the things they did? Couldn't he see how much Dream cherished him, in and out of bed? Was it really that hard to figure out?

"Eat without me," Dream muttered. He craned his head around George's slight silhouette to look at the tv again. He forgot that was even on.

"Without you?" George tilted his head until it obstructed Dream's view of the tv again. "You hate when I eat without you. You're always bugging me about sharing food."

Dream stared deeply into George's eyes, willing him to read his mind and realize how much he liked him. He just wanted him to see it. He didn't want to confess. He was too scared.

But George saw nothing.

"I want to eat you," Dream blurted, the frown on his face becoming permanent.

George's eyes widened for a moment and he turned to the kitchen, where Sapnap was making his own dinner. He didn't share as much as George and Dream did. Luckily, he didn't hear Dream's perverted declaration and that made George's heart calm just a bit. He still turned a glare back to his stupid, human friend. They agreed to never let their friends know about their friends-with-benefits situation.

"Don't be so loud and so stupid at the same time," George scolded, his voice quiet but laced with anger.

Dream moved in the blink of an eye, grabbing George by the waist and just behind his knee. He pulled him close in one swift motion, capturing the vampire and laying him in his lap so George straddled him. A soft noise of surprise escaped George and he slapped his hands down on Dream's shoulders to catch himself, looking back—again—at their oblivious friend in the kitchen.

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