Part Thirteen

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Another night, another game, another stream.

The boys were back in full swing, playing Minecraft and telling jokes and talking to thousands of people in an online audience. Karl and Quackity were the ones streaming. George had ended his to join theirs. It didn't make sense to have multiple streams for one game with the same group of people. Karl and Quackity couldn't decide who was going to turn off their stream, however, so neither of them did. They were too stubborn to let the other hog all the fan attention.

George died in the first round of Block Shuffle, nearly cursing as he rage quit the game. The boys laughed at him as he reopened Minecraft anyways. He couldn't stay away. Not when he knew he could beat these fools. He started off with an impossible block. He'd get them next round.


Dream's eyes shifted to his second monitor, where he had discord open. George's message popped up at the bottom and Dream could see he was still typing. He waited for the second message as he mined hay bales and hurried to turn them into bread. He needed food before the game gave him his next block or he would lose by starving to death before he could even fail at the actual challenge. When another message popped up, Dream stole a glance at his discord.

Can I steal a redbull from your mini fridge? I'll pay you back.

Dream smirked. He paused Minecraft for only a moment to type to George. You can. And you don't have to pay me back.

George didn't respond to Dream's message. Instead, he jumped out of his seat and hurried to run to Dream's room. Dream stole a glance at him as George approached, crouching beside him to get to the mini fridge under Dream's desk. The next round started and Dream looked at his game to see he was meant to craft an enchantment table. There was no way! They were two rounds in. He didn't have any of the equipment he needed and definitely wouldn't get it before the round ended.

"Oh my god! I got spruce blanks!" Karl exclaimed into Dream's headset. "This is going to be so easy! I win! Give up, guys! I win!"

"I'm so screwed. An enchantment table?" Dream groaned in frustration as he looked around the village he was stood in. He didn't even want to start when he knew he'd fail.

"You're fucked, dude," Sapnap teased, laughing. "Quackity, where'd you see that sheep? I need wool!"

"I'm not telling you! Fuck off!" Quackity barked back, in full competitive mode.

George nudged Dream's leg and he looked down at the brunette, muting himself and removing one ear of his headset so he could hear him.

"You're out of Redbull," George said, pouting. "Can I take a Caprisun instead?"

Dream make an exaggerated uncertain face, tilting his head. "I don't know, George. Those Caprisun are pretty valuable. Do you know how quickly I run out of those as it is?"

"Oh my god, Dream," George groaned, rolling his eyes. "Just one! Let me have one."

Dream paused, glancing between George and his game. He had barely even moved. "Fine. One Caprisun for one kiss."

George rolled his eyes again, but this time he couldn't fight the smile itching at his lips. "You're gonna be like this all the time now, aren't you? I give you an inch and you take a mile."

Dream shamelessly nodded. "And it's all your fault. This was your idea. One Caprisun for one kiss."

George ground his teeth, trying to act annoyed, even though he couldn't stop smiling. It was so annoying. He could never hide his emotions from Dream. He was funny though. He was so shameless with what he wanted and how he felt.

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