Part Nine

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The boys were playing a Jackbox game on stream. All five of them. Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity. It was a chaotic stream. It always was with these boys. Karl was loud, Quackity always laughed the loudest, and Sapnap got salty when they started roasting him. It was all in good fun. These were some of there favorite nights. Especially when they played late into the night.

"Why'd you draw us like that??" George exclaimed in outrage, looking from the poorly drawn stock figures of Dream holding George in his arms. He looked at his chat to see everybody laughing and spamming DNF.

"Because that's how you guys are everyday, George. Be real," Sapnap teased. Everybody laughed, Quackity especially loud as usual.

"Oh my god," George said, blushing and facepalming.

Dream giggled. "Yeah, come on. Be real, George. That's how I carry you around the house."

"Yeah, Dream. Because you're such a simp for me," George retorted, all cocky and grinning from ear to ear.

"He said the 'S' word! He said the 'S' word! George's getting banned!" Karl frantically chanted, too excited for his own good. Quackity tried to mimic him but ended up laughing too hard. George facepalmed.

A few minutes later, the ended they ended their jackbox game and decided to switch to Minecraft just to fool around in a world together. Dream excused himself to use the restroom and George perked up, looking behind him at his bedroom door. He could see Dream stand from his desk and walk to his bathroom, briefly glancing at him before he disappeared again.

"Hold on guys. Let me grab something to drink," George said to his friends before he muted himself and took his headset off.

Quietly, George skipped across the house and into Dream's room, passing Sapnap's room. Sapnap caught a glimpse of George running by and rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. George knocked on Dream's bathroom door, biting his bottom lip to contain his giddy smile. Dream yelled to give him a minute from the other side of the door and George waited. He listened as Dream flushed, washed his hands, and then unlocked the door.

Before Dream could fully open the door, George was already barging in. Dream stumbled back, surprised, but didn't get a word out before George was grabbing his arm and sinking his teeth into Dream's wrist. Dream's back hit the edge of his sink and George pinned him there, looking up at him between his lashes as Dream winced.

"You little shit," Dream chuckled, his hand reflexively finding the back of George's neck. He gently squeezed him there but didn't pull him off.

George chuckled, biting down even harder. A rush of blood flooded George's mouth and he moaned as Dream winced. Dream's grip on a George's neck tightened and he accidentally pulled George closer. He couldn't take his eyes off him as he fed. There was something exhilarating about being fed on that Dream still didn't understand. He was already hard and nearly panting with excitement, his fingers squirming on the nape of George's neck.

Dream forced his eyes up to the ceiling, talking himself out of his arousal. It was George's satisfied little noises that got him. He could tune that out though. But with their close proximity, George's knee brushed his and Dream but the inside of his lip to keep from making his own satisfied little noises.

This was torture.

You'd think getting your blood siphoned from you would be torture. Nope, Dream muttered in his head. It was having George this close, latched on to him with his warm mouth and sharp fangs, that got Dream all hot and bothered. What was wrong with him? He volunteered for this. He should be used to it by now. George had been feeding on him for almost a week now that neither of them felt safe going out again.

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