Chapter 8 Exploring

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Mark, Josh,, David, and the Kingdom Hearts characters, finally reached the mall from the bus ride. "Woah, that's a huge mall" Sora said. Hayner agreed, but nodding. "Way bigger than the one Olett always goes too"

The all got off the bus. "You guy's have a mall back in Twilight Town?" Mark asked. Roxas nodded. "Yep. Olett always shop there-"

"24/7-" Hayner added. Roxas chuckled. "Oh, she doesn't shop THAT much"

Sora was very excited, and grabbed Mark's hand, and practically dragged him inside. "Geez Sora" Roxas said with he saw. "He has a sugar high from eating all that sea salt ice cream" Hayner said.

"Huh?" Sora said. "Oh! Sorry Mark... I didn't mean to pull you so hard"

Mark chuckled. "It's okay Sora," Mark looked at the mall doors. "I wonder how many people came here?" He asked. David walked up to him. "Judging by all the cars parked in the parking lot, I'd say a lot"

They walked inside the mall. The front entrance, had a hallway, with a few stores on either side. And the end, branched off to bigger hallway that went two ways.

"Yeah, this looks way different than the one in Twilight Town," Hayner said. "What does it even look like?" Josh asked. "I don't believe it was ever shown in the game series"

"Well, it's big. Just not as big as this-" Xion said. "Olett brought be there a couple of times"

"Guy's look-" Sora said.

Roxas walked up to him. "Huh what is it?"

There was a few people walking around, who where dressed up in cosplay. "Are those the people you said are... um.. what was the word again?" Roxas asked. "Cosplay?" Mark said. Roxas nodded. "Yep! Their cosplaying as fictional characters."

There was a lot of people cosplaying as DC comics characters, and Anime characters. And some Manga characters, such as Deku from mha.

But so far, there was no one that was cosplaying as Kingdom Hearts characters. Or at least, no one where they where standing. "Come on, guys, let's walk around." Mark said. Just as they where about to head off-

"Oh my gosh! You all are so cute!"

Hayner got startled, and he turned around, and was facing someone cosplaying as Aqua.

"Aqua?" Roxas asked. "Wait a minute-"

Mark came up close to Roxas. "Cosplay-" he whispered. "O-oh-" Roxas said. "Um, it's nice to meet you!" He said, as he went to shake the cosplayers hand. They smiled gratefully, and shook his hand. "Woah, you look exactly like Roxas... is that make up?"

"U-uh..." Roxas said. He didn't know how to respond. "I... guess it is? I mean... how can I be real?" He nervously laughed. Hayner looked at him and sighed. "Really Rox?" He said quietly to his friend.

Sora wasn't even paying attention to them. He was looking at a store. "Hey, Mark? What's that?" He asked. Mark looked at Sora, then at the store he was pointing to. "Oh, that's just a store called Fye. They sell a lot mostly music, movies, and collectibles of movies and games." Mark said. Sora smiled. "Really? Can we go in there?"

Mark chuckled. "Sure!" He said with a smile. "Hey guys, I'm gonna show Sora this store real quick" He said.

"I really love how you all are keeping in character" The person cosplaying as Aqua said.


Mark brought Sora into the store. The store was filled everything that Mark said would be in there. Movies, music, and collectibles.

"So what kind of collectibles do they sell?" Sora asked. "Mostly figures, mugs, shirts, stuff like that."

They where standing near by a stand, with different figures. Some figures where from DC comics, or marvel comics. They had some Batman mugs, and some Spider-Man shirts.

"Wait-" Sora said, as he pushed something aside on the shelf. "Hm? What is it?" Mark asked. Sora took of a case of a figure off of the shelf. Mark was surprised when he saw it. It was a figure of Sora.

"Woah! I didn't even know they sell Kingdom Hearts stuff!" Mark said. "I really can't believe I'm holding a toy of me-" Sora said with a small shocked expression. Mark giggled. "I might get some one day. At least I know they sell them."

"I wonder if their are figures for the rest of us-" Sora said.

Just then, Hayner came in with Roxas. "Hey guys" He Roxas said.

"Hm? Where's David and the rest?" Mark asked. "They're still out thier with... "Aqua"...." Hayner said. "She just keeps going on and on..."

Mark chuckled. "Well, you can't really blame her." He said. "Your "Cosplay" is very convincing" He added, chuckling. "Oh har har" Hayner said with a small laugh. Roxas noticed that Sora was holding something. "Hey, Sora, what is that?"

Sora showed it to him. "No freaking way!"

"Huh? What is it?" Hayner asked, now interested. "What the?! Woah! Where'd you get a figure of yourself?"

"It was right here on the shelf" Sora said, pointing to the spot he got it from. The shelf, was one of those spinning ones, and Hayner spun it around, and there was even more Kingdom Hearts figures. Turns out, someome misplaced the Sora figure. "Oh- I didn't even think of spinning it-" Mark said. Sora giggled.

"Oh my gosh! It's me!" Roxas said, as he saw a figure of him. "And Axel as well?!"

Hayner was looking through the figures. "And of course, none of me-"

"I think they show all the figures they have on the back" Mark said. Hayner took the Axel one, and turned it around, but he still didn't see him. "This Dimension hates me-" He said. Roxas chuckled. "I'm sure they don't. I mean, I don't even see Xion or Kairi so far. Or even Riku." He said.

"What other kinds of stores are in this mall?" Sora asked. "Well, mostly clothes stores-"

"Olett's dream mall-" Hayner said. Roxas laughed. "But I'm sure you all would love GameStop,"

"GameStop? Is that a videogame store?" Hayner asked. Mark nodded. "Now that's my kind of store!"

"Of course it is-" Roxas said.

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