Chapter 10 Heading Back

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"Guess what I just saw Mark and Sora doing earlier!" Hayner said, laughing, as he was talking to to Roxas. "What? Kissing?" Roxas asked. Hayner nodded. "Well, that's what couples do. You'd understand if you had someone"

Hayner stood there, with a shocked expression. "H-hey! I-"

Sora giggled. "What is it Hayner? Roxas roasted you?" He asked in a baby voice. Hayner groaned, and just walked forward. "Come on guys... lets... just walk around more."

Sora just giggled. He turned around to Mark. "Hayner can be... just so jealous sometimes."

"Some people are like that. Sometimes there's a reason." Mark said. "Well, what's the reason?" Sora asked. "He's probably jealous." Mark said, keeping his voice down, so Hayner wouldn't hear. "Jealous of you and me?"

"Mostly Jealous that he can't have someone."

"So, he likes me?" Sora asked. Mark shrugged. "I don't know. I'll... maybe try and see if I can find anyone...who has a crush on him in my world" Mark said. "Are, you sure he'll like that?" Sora asked. Mark shrugged. "It's worth a shot"

They where walking up and down the mall, seeing all the stores. But in the main Mall in Mark's town, all they mostly had was clothes stores. "If Olette was here, she'd be going crazy." Hayner said. "Yep, she would be." Roxas added."

"I guess Olette really loves clothes huh?" Mark asked. "Oh yeah." Roxas chuckled. "Wait, but...if she loves clothes so much, why do I always see her in one attire in the game?" Mark asked. Josh over heard them, and he nodded at Mark's question. "Yeah, why?"

Hayner looked at them. "Huh? She wears different things everyday. I think it's just us guys that mostly wear the same things daily." Roxas said. "I still have my black coat. I don't wear it at all anymore though. Since, you know, I'm not in the organization anymore"

"Where did you put that thing anyways?" Hayner asked. "You know, I don't know. I think it's in my closet somewhere."

They walked around a few more, until it got late, and they had to to get back. They left the mall, and headed back on the bus, heading to Mark's apartment. "Pence and everyone must be wondering where we are" Hayner said, while they where riding the bus. "I'm sure he isn't too worried. It's not like we never been gone for a long time before." Roxas said. "Yeah" Xion said. "Last time we where gone for a while, was um...."

"When Yozora came to town." Sora said with a chuckle. "Yozora?" Josh asked. "Who... who's that?"

"Wow, Mr. Kingdom Hearts know it all doesn't know?" Hayner asked. "I've played every single Kingdom Hearts game, and never heard of a Yozora..."

"Could he be in the 3rd main game coming out?" Mark asked. Josh shrugged. "He could be."

"I think our world is going faster than how your world can keep up. If... that makes sense" Sora said. "No, it didn't. Because it's Kingdom Hearts" Josh said. Everyone laughed.


They finally reached back, and Mark went to his PlayStation, and turned it on. "Well, this was fun" Hayner said. Roxas nodded. "Yeah it was"

Mark smiled. "You guy's can come back anytime" He said. "Josh, do... you want to come back with us? I-I mean not know of course, but when ever your free?" Xion asked. Josh blushed. "U-uh.. sure!" He said with his face a little red. Xion smiled.

Mark overheard them. "Just tell me when you want to Josh" he smiled. "My PS4 will always be available."

Josh nodded. "Thanks Mark."

Mark had pressed the button, that opens the portal. "Well, see you guys!" Roxas said, as he jumped into the portal, followed by Xion.

"Hey, aren't you coming Sora?" Hayner asked. Sora was standing near Mark. "Nah, I'll stay a little longer with Mark. Well, if he wants me to..."

Mark smiled softly. "Sure" he said.

Hayner just playfully shook his head. "Ok Sora. See you" Then he jumped into the portal.

"See you guys!" David said.

As they all jumped into the portal, the portal closed, leaving just Sora, Josh, David, and Mark.

Josh sighed, and looked over everyone else. "Well, what a day this was." He said. Mark chuckled. "Yep, we just had an adventure, that no one else ever had." He said. Sora chuckled.

"Well, I better get back to my mom." Josh said. "You want me to drive you?" David said. "Nah, that's ok. I'll walk. My house isn't too far"

"See you Josh!" Mark said.


Mark had turned on the TV, and was sitting alone with Sora, on the couch. David had went into his room. Mark had given Sora the remote, and he was flipping trough the channels.

"These TV channels are so different than what's in our world" Sora said. "What channels you get anyways?" Mark asked. "Well, in each world it's different. Twilight Town has news channels, they have a weather channel, now and again it rains there, but it's still always Twilight. Radiant Garden, has a few movie channels. I never had really have anytime to watch TV back at home anyways." Sora said. "Wow. W-wait, you don't have anytime to do anything?"

"Well, now I do" Sora said nodding. "But before with all the heartless and everything, I didn't."

"Ah. I understand." Mark said. "I'm lucky I had time to eat, and use the bathroom for crying out loud." Sora said with a small chuckle. Mark chucked along with him. Sora continued to flip channels, until-

It's the Mickey Mouse clubhouse!

Come inside it's fun inside!

"What the?" Sora said. "Change it Sora! You're gonna-"

Just then, James, came running out the of his room. "Micky mouse is on!" He said with his three year old voice.

"Ugh..." Mark said and sunk into the Sofa. "Now, he's gonna start-"

James started to sing along with the theme song.


Sora started to giggle. "Awe, he's so adorable!" Sora said. "You mean annoying." Mark said. "What show is that? Micky is there? And Donald?"

"Remember how I said some people from your world has TV shows and movies and such?"

Sora nodded. "Wow, so is this one of them?"

Mark nodded. "This one of for kids around James's age"

James continued singing along, and kept on answering Mickey's questions, so Mark got up. "Hey, Sora, I wanna show you something"

"Hm? Oh, ok," Sora got up, and followed Mark. "Or, did you just want to get away from your brother?"

"That too," Mark said. Sora giggled.

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