Chapter 13 Dark-Blade

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"A vision? But what is it trying to say-" Mark said as he lied back down. Sora lied down, and hugged onto Mark close to him. "I don't know Mark" He said. "Maybe that Dark Figure, is just trying to show you something. Maybe something happen to him-"

"But what, he won't say. He said something about someone named Jake, and that was it"

"Well, maybe one day he'll finally say something... I don't know"

Mark could tell Sora really didn't know what to do. Sora had dealt with heartless and other stuff before, but this was something way out of his league.  Either it was something from another game of his, or something inhuman is lurking in his dimension. Thing is, he doesn't know if he needs magical weapons, or real weapons to fight it for real if it comes to that. He did somewhat defeat it, last time. But something happened, that cause the area they where in to fall apart. The Dark Figure probably didn't even get hurt.

"You said you have School tomorrow right?" Sora asked, cutting Mark off from his thoughts. Mark shook his head, coming back to reality. "Uh? Oh yeah I do." He said. "I'll have to wake up early, and you'll have to head back to your dimension"

Sora turned around, and gave Mark a kiss on his cheek. "I'll be waiting for you in the usual spot when you come home. Mark smiled as Sora kissed him. They could hear birds singing outside, the sun was starting to rise. "I guess I better get ready, well, at least before David wakes up." He said. Sora softly chuckled. "Ok" He said.


"Well, I'll see you later then"

Mark smiled. "By Sora" He said, giving his boyfriend a kiss. Sora hopped into the portal, heading back to his dimension. As soon as Sora disappeared into the portal, Mark walked over to the Playstation, and turned it off. Just as the portal closed, out came David out of his room. He saw Mark, as he walked over to the kitchen. "Oh? Hey Mark. How are you up so early?" He asked. "Uh, no reason"

Although David knows that Mark can travel to his games, and the fact that he is boyfriends to Sora, he really didn't want him to know that he slept with him. "Uh, well I guess I'll be going" Mark said as he got his bag."

"Huh? You don't want any breakfast?" David asked. "It's fine David, I'll just eat breakfast at shcool."

"Ok then. See you later" David said. Mark smiled, as he picked up his bag, and left the door.

As Mark was walking down the road, he saw his friend, Tyler, walking the same way. "Oh! Hey Mark! Where the hell where you last weekend? Josh and I where worried?"

Mark was relived Josh wasn't going around telling people how he had went into a video game. "It's nothing serious. I.. was just out sick." Mark lied. Mark figured it was at least believable. Tyler had a surprised look on his face.

"Oh no! A-are you ok now?" Tyler asked. Mark nodded. "Don't worry Ty. It... was nothing to serious." Mark said. Tyler nodded. "Ok..." He said.

Since it was the middle of October, it was getting a little chilly. "Dang, it's getting cold" Tyler said. "I hear you. Even though we have on our jackets, it still feels pretty cold."


Mark had been through his first segment of classes for the day, and now he was heading to lunch period. All he was thinking, was about Sora. He just wanted the day to end so he can head back to the game dimension. He was waiting in the lunch line to get his lunch, and the line was moving slowly. Like really slow. As if, the line wasn't moving at all.

'Why it feels like time stopped somehow?' Mark asked himself.

He looked down at his tray, at the lunch he had got, which was some mashed potatoes and gravy, and a milk, then looked back up. Thing is, he wasn't in the lunch line anymore. He was in a area of black.

"What the?!" He said out loud.

Mark didn't know what was happening. He looked down, and saw some stained glass. Mark knew what it was. But when he saw what was on the glass, he shocked him.

It was himself, on the glass.

"Josh said this is The Station of Awakening. But, I'm not apart of this dimension...why am I there..."

Mark could see that he was holding his Steam-Punk keyblade, and he had his head down, as if he was sleeping.

But Mark could see people's heads in some circles, that wasn't to far from him. It was his brother David, and his two friends, Josh and Tyler, and his boyfriend, Sora.

But there was boy, with blondish hair, who he had never seen before. "Who... is that?"

"You having fun?"

Mark turned around, and was face to face with the Dark Figure. "Who are you?!" Mark quickly summoned his Keybalde in fear. "Calm down Mark" The Dark Figure said. "How do you know my name?!"

"Because Sora can't stop saying it."

That made Mark blush a little. "You... you've been spying on us?!"

The Dark Figure just stood there, staring at Mark. Mark didn't know what he wanted. It didn't look like it wanted to hurt him, at least at that moment. "I'm gonna ask you again, what do you want, you Dark... Figure?" Mark said.

"Please don't call me that. I have a name, and it's Dark-Blade."

"Ok... Dark-Blade? What do you want?"

Mark was still clutching onto his keybalde. He had no idea what this thing's intention was. "Look. I'm sorry about all that happened." It said. "But, something terrible has happened to me, and it caused everything to turn in a tragic way."

Mark stood there listening. "I'm not from the game world" He said. "I'm from yours. I have extraordinary powers. One of them is time travel."

"What?" Mark couldn't believe what he was hearing. "That doesn't exist!" Mark snapped. "That's impossible! No human can time travel!"

"I can say the same about humans going to other dimensions"

Mark stopped when he heard him say that. "Ok... um... so.. if you really can time travel, what does that have to do with me?"

"I have other powers. It's not only time travel. And I made a mistake, and it costed me something very valuable to me, actually, quite a few things." He looked up at Mark. "I shouldn't have opened the game dimension, but I did. I was thinking that the game dimension would help me. But it didn't." He made a heavy sigh. "I'm from the future right now. You might still run into me, but it won't be me from the future. It'll be me when I was filled with rage."

"...You're the time traveler here... can't you just stop yourself?" Mark asked.

"Do you want a paradox to happen? ....Remember the choices you chose."

"Huh? What choices?" Mark asked. Dark-Blade just stood there, then he turned away. "Just be careful."


"Hello? Um... hi?"

Mark looked up, and saw that he was at the end of the lunch line, and the person at the end, was waiting for Mark to move.

"Ok, you blanked out for a second" They said. "You ok?" They asked. Mark nodded. "Yes I'm fine"

Mark took his lunch, and headed out.

"What the hell is happening..."

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