Chapter 9 A Mishap

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Mark brought them over to the game store, that was a couple of stores down from Fye. "GameStop? I wonder why it's called that." Hayner said. "I don't know, probably because you stop here for games?" Roxas said. "Okay okay! You don't have to make me look stupid!" Hayner snapped. "I didn't make you look stupid, you did."

"You guys can just randomly bicker at times can't you?" Mark asked. Xion chuckled. "It's what they do best,"

Hayner scoffed, and walked ahead into the store.

"Wow! Look at all those games!" Sora said.

"They don't look that differently from the ones back in our world" Hayner said. "Yeah, remember that racing game we played with Pence?" Roxas said. "Yep. Remember how I beat everyone 3 times in a row?" Hayner said with a smile. Roxas sighed. "You where just lucky."

Sora was looking at some games, until he found a few Kingdom Hearts games.  "Guy's look! It's our games!"

Roxas and the rest walked over. David picked them up. "1.5 and 2.8? What is with this series and decimals?"

"1.5 has Kingdom Hearts 1, Chain of memories and a 3 hour movie of the ds game. 2.5 has Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth By Sleep, and a 3 hour movie of Re:Coded. 2.8 has Dream Drop Distance, another movie, and a small little glimpse of what Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be. 2.8 came out last year." Josh said, trying to sound helpful.

The Kingdom Hearts characters, and Mark and David where just staring at Josh blankly. "I think I lost you at Chain of memories-" David said. Josh just sighed. "This series has a lot of stuff. But, not a lot compared to Final Fantasy"

Mark and David nodded at that. "Well, that's very true."

"Yeah, they made 7 games in their 10 starting years or something like that. " David said.

"Hey, Mark, I think I heard you talk about 'Final Fantasy' before. What is it again?" Sora asked. "Oh, it's basically a games series that has most of the people you have met. Such as cl-"

"Hey guys! Check this out!" Roxas said.

They all looked over the direction were Roxas was. He was standing near a poster. "What is it Rox?" Hayner asked. "Look! Is that?"

"Hey that looks like Cloud...." Hayner said. "Final Fantasy 7?" Roxas said. "Remake" Xion said after.

"Ooh! The Final Fantasy 7 remake! I think it was supposed to come out a while ago, but I've lost track of it. Think it got delayed or something like that... typical Square Enix." Josh said.

"Wait, there's gonna be a Remake of Final Fantasy 7?" David said. "Why am I always the last to know about these... I hope they make a Final Fantasy 8 Remake."

"Wait, Mark, didn't you say that Cloud, Leon and the rest has their own games?" Sora asked. Mark nodded. "And Final Fantasy 7, is Cloud's game."

"Woah...I wonder what Cloud's reaction would be"

Xion was still looking at the poster. "But, it says remake. Was it something before?"

Josh nodded. "Yes. It originally came out in 1997 on the PlayStation 1."

"Woah" Xion said. "You sure really know a lot about video games" She said with a smile. "It's really cool"

Josh blushed and smiled. "W-well I-I try to.. heh..."

Mark smiled at Josh. "Impressing the girl aren't we?" He whispered to Josh

Josh blushed more. "Oh shut up"

"Man! I just love how you all are in character! Talking about the games like you're from it! It's honestly amazing"

They looked over at the front of the store, and saw that it was one of the store workers, working at the cash register, talking to them. "O-oh! Yeah! W-we love being in character!" Sora said. "And now you just broke it, Sora." Roxas said.

The worker of the store chuckled. "I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan. Been one for such a long time." They said. "Had a huge crush on Aqua honestly" They said.

"Oh? Did you now?" Hayner said with a small chuckle.

They continued talking to the store worker, but then David pulled Mark aside. "Huh? What is it David?"

"Hey, since I got you 2.5 instead of 1.5, how about I get you 1.5 now?" David asked. Mark smiled. "Really?" He asked. David chuckled. "Well, you can't read book Deathly Hallows, and expect to know everything about Harry Potter" David said. Mark chuckled. "I think Josh said something like that"

"So, how long have you guys been cosplayers?"

"Uh...for um.. well.. just today actually" Hayner said. "Yeah, this is our first cosplay" Roxas said. "Really? And your costumes look THAT good?"

David had went over to the other cashier to buy the game for Mark.

"Where did you get the costumes from? Are they custom made? Cause I never seen any that high quality."


None of the Kingdom Hearts characters knew what to say.

But then, the unthinkable happened......

Sora's keyblade summoned in his hand.

There was silence. Especially from the store worker.

Sora quickly did everything he could to de summon the keyblade.

"Uh... we should be going now. Come on Mark" Hayner said, practically pulling Sora out the store.

Mark was over with David, at the other cashier. He had just bought the game. "Huh? Why?" Mark did not see anything what happened. He looked over at the worker the Kingdom Hearts characters where talking too. And he noticed that they looked extremely shocked.

'Oh shit, what did they do-'

"Come on David!" Mark said as he ran out the store. He eventually caught up with Sora. "What happened? What did you guys do?" Mark asked.

"It's all on you Sora" Hayner said.

"I.. um... my keyblade summoned in front of her... I didn't mean for it to happen!" Sora said, wish his expressing showing that he really didn't mean for that accident to happen.

Hayner sighed.  "Great, Sora. This world knows us as fictional characters, and you nearly exposed us,"

"Guy's, I'm really sure Sora didn't mean to summon it."

"You're just saying that because you love him."

"Oh shut up Hayner" Roxas said.

"Mark, can I talk to you?" Sora asked. Mark nodded.

Sora took him away from the rest of the Kingdom Hearts characters, and brought him where their wasn't to many people.

"Don't worry Sora, I know you did no-"

"Mark, it's not that. Look... sometimes my keyblade can summon randomly, where their is something wrong afoot."

Mark looked over at his boyfriend with a confused look. "Huh? Like heartless?" He asked. "But the heartless shouldn't be here, oh gosh, I hope not."

"No.. I don't think it's the heartless....." Sora said.

"What if.... it's the Dark Figure?"

That really sent shivers down Mark's spine. "Oh... shit... well... I don't think so. I'm- I'm pretty sure you just slipped. That's all. It happens to the best of us."

"You sure?" Sora asked. Mark nodded. "I'm sure."

"Are you sure, that you're sure?"

Mark chuckled. "Yes, I'm sure that I'm sure."

Sora smiled. "Are you sure, that you're sure, that-"

"Sora!" Mark said with giggle, and tickled Sora's sides, making him laugh. Sora leaned in, and gave Mark a kiss, who had kissed back. "I love you Sora. And even if that Dark whatever-it-is is here, I won't let it hurt you."

"Same with you" Sora said, smiling softly.

"So, this is what you guys do, when you ask for time alone?"

Mark gasped, and saw Hayner looking at them. "Get lost Hayner!" Mark said annoyed. "Make me" Hayner said with a smile.

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