Chapter One

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Sitting in the carriage in your bright pink hanbok made you wonder where the time had gone.

The announcement of your marriage had sent the entire manor staff into a flurry. They ran around attempting to gather your things along with some new things your father had to buy you in order to save face so that they could be transported.

Your week had been spent with your mother, who chided you endlessly about the proper etiquette needed to succeed in the royal family.

You could tell she was slightly surprised about how gracefully you took her nagging. And you actually paid attention to her words, her lessons may help you in the future so you saw no harm in it.

But today was judgement day.

Your bright pink hanbok was your wedding attire. The carriage you were in belonged to your now husband and the guards surrounding it were from his palace.

Your wedding had been nothing more than a paper signed by your father, and you hadn't even seen your so called husband yet.

Usually, a royal wedding would be celebrated by the entire kingdom, but in this case Yoongi wasn't worth attention because he could never be the emperor, and you were insignificant. The entire wedding was only known to your father and your husband, the emperor barely knew of it. You supposed that worked to your advantage.

The carriage ride to Yoongi's palace was a three hour ride from your previous home. And you had no company to spend it with. Hae-mi had been dismissed from your service the day after your marriage was announced.

You could only hope she was safe and happy with her freedom. You hoped you would be as well, but at the same time you were scared.

It was tradition that in your wedding night the wedding should be consummated. Even the commoners did it, you were not an exception. You weren't sure how this was going to play out.

"Your Highness." Someone spoke from outside of the carriage door. In your thoughts you hadn't noticed that the carriage had stopped.

"Yes?" you called from the other side.

"We'll arrive in thirty minutes to the palace, but we'll have already missed lunch, and dinner won't be served for another 4 hours. would you like to stop here for some food?"

You weren't particularly hungry, but you had never stepped foot out of your fathers manor before. When your Father and his wife, and sometimes your sisters and Jungkook went to yearly celebrations at the royal palace, you weren't invited.

You had only read in books what towns looked like. You had no idea if you'd be traveling anywhere with your dear husband so you took this chance while it was being offered.

"Yes, I'd like that," you replied, and in the next second the door was open and a small set of stairs was placed down so you could exit easily.

A handsome man extended his arm to you, and you took it as you walked down so you didn't trip on the layers of fabric you were wearing.

You looked at the man curiously, which prompted him to introduce himself. "Excuse me for the late introductions. I'm Jung Hoseok, Yoongi's second in command, I was asked to escort you to the palace safely."

So this was the infamous Hoseok, who could kill a man without a second thought?

He seemed much to kind, but you supposed you can never judge a book by its cover.

"Nice to meet you," you said to him, and he nodded in response before extending his arm in an "after you" gesture.

You followed his unspoken instructions and walked into the restaurant. It was quaint, but beautiful, and from what you saw, it was more of a tea house that also served small dishes.

As you walked in with your entourage everyone stopped for a moment to stare. Especially at your expensive wedding clothing, they knew from that alone you were someone important. And potentially someone to steal from.

"Your table is over there," Hoseok told you before pointing to a table in a far corner, secluded from the rest of the patrons.

You walked there and took a seat and zoned out as you looked through the restaurant. People were laughing and eating together. It was the loudest place you had ever been. It was fascinating but also a bit overwhelming.

You looked up at Hoseok who had just finished ordering your food for you. When he noticed you staring, he began to talk.

"I hope you don't mind, I figured you'd never been in a place like this so I ordered for you."

You nodded at him. Whatever he ordered would be better than the scraps you were used to eating. "It's fine, but I was wondering where the bathroom is."

"Here, let me escort you," he said as he once again extended a hand for you to take so you could get up.

You looked at him quizzically. "That's not necessary."

"I assure you, in a town like this, it is."

His words seemed final and the conversation died there. You let him lead you to the bathroom, where he stood outside of the door.

"Yell if you need me."

You nodded to him before entering the bathroom. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you felt something metal at your throat.

"Scream and I'll kill you," The woman behind you growled at you.

Your eyes grew wide and your skin became sweaty before you knew it.

"Drop all of your jewelry," They told you, and as you began taking it off you decided to talk.

"You don't have to do this-," you told her before she cut you off.

"Shut up! Stop talking and drop it already!"

"Listen, you aren't going to make it out of here, there are too many guards-" you tried again to help her save herself but it was to no avail.

If anything you had just made her more angry.

"You stupid bitch! Didn't I tell you to shut up!" And the next thing you knew she was charging at you with the dagger, ready to stab you and take the jewelry for herself.

You closed your eyes in preparation for the pain, but instead you just felt something wet splash against your face.

You reached a shaking hand toward your face and touched the wet substance, when you opened your eyes all your saw was blood on your fingertips.

Blood everywhere in the bathroom.

And the headless body of the thief at your feet with Hoseok standing beside you, blood coating his sword.

You looked at the girl sadly. Hoseok was confused, most girls would have screamed and threw up at such a sight, but you only felt pity.

"Why didn't you scream?" Hoseok asked you curiously.

"You would have killed her," you answered simply before turning on your heel and leaving. She could have been stealing from you for any reason, maybe someone she loved was sick, but that didn't matter now because she was dead.

You walked briskly back to the carriage, and without even touching your food, entered and told everyone to get ready to go.

You just wanted to get this whole wedding thing over with already.

This time as the carriage moved, you were much more aware of the passage of time.

You kept track by counting the number of blood spots on your hanbok.

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