Chapter Two

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Your arrival at Yoongi's palace wasn't announced as was typical in your culture, and instead of entering through the main entrance, you were ushered to your room through a side gate.

It seemed that even here your presence was nothing special. But that worked fine for you, it gave you more time to yourself.

Hoseok led you through the halls before stopping at a pair of doors.

"Your room is through here, inside you'll find two maids who will help you get adjusted. From now on these are your two personal servants."

You nodded at him. "Will you be around too?" you asked him. You weren't sure if you could trust Hoseok, but you did know that he would keep you alive, and that was all you needed right now.

Hoseok shook his head. "I'm afraid this is where we part ways, Your Highness. I'm to aid in training the troops. But the guards in this palace are more than capable of protecting you."

You hadn't known that you were so easy to read. Without another word, you opened the doors and were met with two women bowing.

"Greetings, your highness."

You looked at them oddly. You were not used to such a courtesy, but you had observed the servants at your other home doing this so you knew what to do.

"Please, rise," you told them kindly.

"Thank you, your highness," they said in sync.

You knew from the many novels you read in your old home that a lady's maids were her eyes and ears when it came to court intrigue. They often turned tides in court decisions too, so it would be best to have loyal servants who genuinely cared for you, and for that you needed to be as kind as possible to them.

You took this moment of silence to look around the room. It was clean and consisted of all the proper furniture you'd expect in a bedroom, but it was quite barren, and boring.

"I'll take my leave then. You two, get the princess properly dressed."

They bowed toward Hoseok until he was out of sight and then quickly ushered you to the bathroom where a warm bath was waiting for you.

Swiftly they unraveled your hair and scrubbed the blood off of your body until your skin was scrubbed raw.

They then redressed you and redid your hair. This time your clothes were even more extravagant, though not particularly expensive.

You just weren't used to a luxury such as new clothes.

When they were finished they finally spoke.

"Your highness, please come with us to the dining hall. Dinner is being served."

You really didn't want to attend dinner. That would mean that everyone in the manor would be there, including his many concubines. You would just use what happened earlier as an excuse.

"Please ask that I be excused and have dinner sent to my room."

One of the maids looked like she wished to object but the other quickly shushed her.

"Yes, your highness," she said before taking the other girl by the hand and leaving.

As they left the room, you were left alone and you let out a soft sigh of relief.

You quickly went to a bookshelf that you had spotted in the corner of the room and removed a dusty book.

Reading had been your only solace in your old home and it was something you really enjoyed.

You were two chapters in when the maids returned with a tray of food.

You paused your book to eat your fill of food before sending it away, missing entirely the look of concern on the maids' faces.

Once they left that was when you heard it. The sound of giggles and a deeper voice from the room next door.

You knew instantly that it was your husband and some concubines. And you knew what would happen next.

He purposely brought the concubines to the room next to yours on your wedding night to humiliate you.

Not wanting to hear what happened next, you left your room silently and went exploring.

It was a really beautiful place. If it weren't for the many guards roaming around, you could forget that this place was practically a military encampment.

Eventually you came across a small pond, so clear you could see yourself in it. That was until a light rain disrupted the clear skies and made the pond ripple and your reflection disappear like it was never there in the first place.

You took this time to plan your next steps. After his show tonight you knew he didn't want anything to do with you. That was fine, but it meant the possible seducing him plan was out. The best you could do was lay low, play naïve and soft that way he had no reason to ever get angry at you.

That was your best bet at survival, and then in a few months when the two of you fell into a sort of routine where he presumably brought you to gatherings to show the emperor he was more fit to be the next ruler despite his scar.

You knew from the tales you heard before that he was a very successful and ambitious man. But because of an age old law having something to do with a monarch needing to look graceful and refined, he could never be king.

The thing is, no one, not even the emperor knows how he got the scar. And he never told.

So he was doomed to just be a prince for the rest of his life despite all his military triumphs.

"Your Highness!" You heard a gasp behind you, and suddenly the rain that had been softly hitting your head was gone as an umbrella covered you. "You'll catch a cold, how long have you been out here your lips are nearly blue!"

How long had you been out here? Hopefully long enough for Yoongi and his concubines to be done.

The maid ushered you to your quarters quickly. And you were put into another hot bath. This time you were dressed in a simple nightgown afterwards.

And as you finally sat in your bed the maid turned to you again. "I'll call for the physician right awa-"

"Please, there is no need. I will be fine," you told her. You didn't want to call for a doctor and draw attention to yourself.

"Your Highness," She started again

"Call me Y/n, and it was only a bit of rain. I'll be perfectly fine."

Her face looked worried but she let it go, grabbing the lantern from your bedside before taking her leave with a short "good night."

You supposed with such a day rest was necessary, and so without a second thought you closed your eyes and forced yourself to sleep.

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