Chapter Fifteen

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You and Yoongi bowed toward the emperor as you prepared to make your way to the room where you'd be sleeping.

As Yehwi bounded into the room and stood on the middle of you and Yoongi, grabbing a hand from each of you, you accidentally met eyes with the empress who gifted you with a cold glare.

You weren't sure what you had done to offend her, but you surely would like to fix it. You couldn't risk being enemies with such a powerful person, especially Yoongi's mother since if any conflict were to arise you were certain he'd take her side.

You couldn't dwell on it for long, as Yehwi dragged the both of you out of the throne room and through a maze of hallways.

She chattered in about how she had known you had been framed and that she was happy the liars got what they deserved. She kept telling Yoongi what an amazing wife he had, which made you a little flustered.

She'd never know that you and Yoongi were married only on paper, you definitely didn't interact with each other the way a normal husband and wife did, but you were warming up to the idea of living out the rest of your days in his palace. And from the way he was acting, it would seem he was warming up to the idea as well.

He didn't seem to hate you like he did when you first arrived, instead he seemed almost content. Maybe he even thought of you as a friend, seeing as he stood up for you during your trial.

When you finally reached the room, Yehwi parted after telling you that the both of you were expected at breakfast in the morning before setting off, to which you nodded.

And at that you were left alone with your husband.

You looked around the room and saw that it was extravagantly decorated, as you'd expect of a residence of the royal family.

But for some reason, this room had small trinkets and what appeared to be children's toys strewn everywhere. But the bed wasn't child sized at all.

Was this some sort of hint? Had the emperor expected you to have an heir so soon?

You could imagine it. Your face was about to turn beet red until you noticed something on a shelf not far from the bed.

In a small glass container was a women's hairpin, nothing extravagant, made of wood carved into the shape of a flower with colorful pieces of glass coming together to form the petals and complete the look.

You reached your hand out to touch it before Yoongi's voice startled you.

"Don't touch that!"

It was then that you put two and two together.

This must have been Yoongi's old room, left undisturbed since he left for his military trading at age 10. It was likely that he hadn't been in this room since he moved to his own palace when he was 17.

Which then meant that this hairpin, which was so well preserved, belonged to him.

But it was so clearly a woman's hairpin, in its delicate shape. You doubted it belonged to Yoongi himself, which meant that it belonged to a woman Yoongi knows, or knew.

And obviously someone important if he kept it so well protected, and even stopped you from laying a finger on it.

Was it the empresses? But this seemed much too cheaply made.

It was obviously not something any noble lady would wear, this item belonged to a commoner.

But what other women did Yoongi have in his life?

Could this be a memento from a secret first love?

It would explain why he was so closed off and had never taken a legal wife before you, especially when he had so many concubines he could marry so easily.

But if that was so then what had changed?

Was he truly so petty as to give up a promise to his first love and marry you just to make you feel bad about yourself?

Yoongi was very loyal, so you didn't think that was it.

But if it wasn't some secret former lover, and it wasn't the empress, then who?

You didn't dare ask out loud, instead opting to leave the issue alone for now, seeing as servants came pouring into the room to change the both of you and prepare you for bed.

Unfortunately, since they assumed your marriage had been consummated, they changed you both in the same room. All were female servants to avoid any unwarranted rumors about you.

Thankfully though, you and Yoongi had your backs to each other, so he didn't see anything, and you didn't see anything either.

As the servants finished their tasks and left the room, the silence that had been reserved for your thoughts steadily became awkward.

You decided to break it by attempting to sate your curiosity about why the empress seemed so distant, and why she seemed to dislike you. Maybe Yoongi as her child held some insight for how you could get into her good graces, she'd be a terrifying enemy.

"Your mother doesn't seem to like me," you said softly as you stared at him.

"That bitch is not my mother," he responded bitterly, and climbed into bed, shutting his eyes almost immediately, though he was nowhere near asleep.

Well, so much for help from him.

Though it was partially your fault, you knew that the empress wasn't his biological mother but you had thought that he would've held some semblance of care for her, since she had raised him.

Unless she wasn't as kind as the emperor made her out to be.

Still at this point you were more than certain that you had irritated Yoongi, and you didn't want to be subjugated to his wrath.

So you quickly grabbed the small sheet that was meant for decoration on the end of the bed, and headed for the small window seat to sleep.

Yoongi was sure to want his privacy, and the two of you had never slept in the same bed before, so it'd be awkward to make an attempt now.

"What are you doing?" he asked as you set up your spot for sleep.

"I'm sleeping over here to give you privacy...," you told him, trailing off and sounding unsure at the end due to uncertainty.

"Did I ask you for privacy?" he questioned, and you had no choice but to shake your head no.

Had you made him mad again? The same way you had when you'd refused to sit near him at the dining table?

You were trying to avoid this.

"Come lay down." He left no room for questions. This wasn't an ask it was a command, and you obeyed, walking over and laying on the bed as close to the edge as you could be without falling off.

With a scoff, he pulled you closer, your head lying against his firm, bare chest. You two had never been so close. It was confusing.

When he noticed your questioning gaze he simply stated, "You're my wife."

And as the two of you began drifting off to sleep, your mind wandered to how much sense this made.

Of course you two needed to sleep close together. When the servants came and saw you so far apart in the morning, what would they think?

That was what Yoongi was doing, right?

You kept telling yourself that at least, but in the back of your mind there was a sneaking suspicion it was something else.


Hi guys, sorry if this is a lot of filler, I'm literally writing this in my organic chemistry lecture right now because it was either write this chapter or go to sleep.

Analyzing covalent bonds is so boring 😭.

Anyways don't be like me, pay attention in your studies! They're important! I know I sound like a hypocrite but I promise I'm going to study the topic on my own once I get home.

Anyways time for me to get back to my class 😭😭.

Love you all and thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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