Chapter Three

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You woke up this morning with a splitting headache, and what felt like a fever, most likely from staying out in the rain for so long.

Of course the maids noticed as they dressed you, they asked you again if you'd like a doctor called but again you declined.

You could show no signs of weakness in this foreign environment, after all earlier this morning Hoseok had come by reminding you that you were expected at breakfast. Since you had already declined to eat dinner with your new husband, you could stall no longer.

Today your Hanbok was a royal blue, the color of Yoongi's family crest. This was the color you'd be wearing most often for the rest of your marriage.

You watched silently as the maid placed the last hairpin into your hair, and covered your face with makeup in your skin tone to cover your face that was red from the fever.

"All done, your highness," they told you, and you nodded as you stood from your seat to prepare for the short walk to the dining hall.

"Before I go, I'd like to know your names."

The one from last night who had chided your for being outside for so long spoke first. "Our names are trivial, your highness. We live only to serve you."

The other girl nodded in agreement and they both bowed. "Now please come along, Prince Yoongi hates tardiness and there will be repercussions if we are even a second late."

You nodded and allowed them to lead you toward the dining hall, your heartbeat increasing in speed as you walked.

When you reached the hall, like before there were no announcements made, the doors were opened for you and you entered swiftly and silently.

When you looked up, you saw that the table was huge, and there were a few open seats but all of them on the opposite side of the table from Yoongi, whose eyes followed you even with the concubine on his lap.

In fact every other filled seat held a beautiful woman, one of his fabled concubine. They were all dressed in very expensive clothing, and some looked at you the way wolves must look at bunnies, while others disregarded your presence completely.

You bowed quickly in the direction of your husband before taking the farthest seat away from him, and it wasn't long before the food was brought out.

The dining hall filled with conversation, but you remained completely silent as you ate your fill of food.

When you were done you folded your hands on your lap and waited. You knew from the nagging of your mother that you could not leave the dining hall until you were excused.

So you opted to wait.

"Are you mute?" The deep voice from the other side of the table caused all of the concubines to be quiet, and you knew instantly that he was speaking to you.

You had no choice but to answer him "No, Your Highness."

The sudden sound of a knife stabbing the table startled you and made you look up at him, you saw his face, the scar that prevented him from being emperor in full view. His mouth curled into a small scowl.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you! You may have come from a house where you were spoiled, but you are nothing here! Do you understand!"

Maybe opting for silence had been a bad idea, but you were very confused where he got the notion that you were spoiled when it was so far from the truth.

But you couldn't risk getting him more angry, besides your headache was killing you. "Yes your highness, I understand"

You told him, your eyes meeting his and your stare not wavering.

Maybe he saw something in your gaze because in the next second he dismissed you all with a simple and cold "get out of my sight."

All of the concubines quickly left and you were quick to follow until his voice stopped you dead in your tracks.

"Not You."

You stood in your spot silently and turned to face him since you knew he'd be angry if you didn't.

"Why did you eat so little?" He questioned you, his voice harsh and leaving no room for an excuse.

But still you were confused, you ate the amount of food that you usually ate at home. Was that really so weird?

"This is the amount I usually eat, your highness," you answered him.

"Bullshit. Your father is a high ranking official, you have enough money for a proper meal. If this is some ploy to make others take pity on you and make it look like I mistreat you it won't work," He said to you harshly

But still you didn't know what he was talking about, yet you had no choice but to agree.

All you wanted now was to escape to your room and sleep off this headache.

"I understand, your highness. May I be excused now?" you asked him and it seemed like a mistake because it set him off again.

"Do you not want to spend time with me? Even though I'm your husband?" He questioned you with a glare.

"T-that's not what I meant-"

He cut you off with a harsh order "Bring out more food"

He took his seat at the head of the table after he declared his order, and you remained standing, confused about what you were expected to do.

"Sit" He commanded suddenly, and you moved quickly to the seat nearest to you.

"No, sit here." He pointed to the chair beside his, one that earlier held a concubine whose glare made it clear she already disliked you.

As it stands now, you have no power here, could you really afford to make such an enemy so soon.

"Would you rather sit on my lap then?" Yoongi questioned teasingly and you rushed to the seat he had previously pointed out to you.

The concubine wasn't here and she couldn't see you so it would be fine, besides sitting on his lap would probably cause even more trouble for you.

"Wow, am I that repulsive to you?" He questioned and you quickly refuted his claim with a "no, your highness". Though he had a temper and was in need of an attitude adjustment he was a very handsome man.

Before you could say more the food the prince had ordered arrived.

"Now eat, a proper amount." He said as he pointed to the bowl of noodles in front of you.

But the sight of the food made you queasy. Your headache had even gotten progressively worse along with your fever. You genuinely couldn't take another bite but you didn't want to make him angry.

But sending your hesitance he was already angry, the bowl in front of you was now in pieces against the wall. You flinched as the loud sound caused your head to throb in pain.

"This is ridiculous," Prince Yoongi hissed through his teeth before making his way to the door. "If you won't eat now, don't expect to eat later," were his last words to you before he walked out of the room.

Your maids rushed quickly to your side from outside where they had been waiting and helped support your weak body back to your room.

Sure you felt like you had been kicked by a horse, but you were alive.

You'd survived your first encounter with the infamous prince and that was more than a lot of people could say.

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