Chapter Four

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You sat in your room, the two maids by your side constantly wiping your feverish forehead with a damp towel.

In the hours following breakfast, your sickness had gotten progressively worse. The lack of food had not helped, and though you knew your body needed it you didn't dare to go back to the dining hall until Prince Yoongi called for you lest you make him angry again.

"Your Highness, please allow us to call a doctor for you. Your fever is out of control and we aren't skilled enough to ease it," one of the maids said from your side.

But you refused once more. You had gone through worse sicknesses with no one to tend for you in your old house. Your parents never sent for a doctor. Maybe they had hoped you died of sickness so that they could be rid of you without any repercussions. No one would question a death from sickness.

Often when you fell ill Hae-mi was the only person there to care for you. You often fell into sleep for days and woke to her crying and thanking the heavens you were alive. This time would be no different.

"I will be fine, I've been through worse," you told the maids to comfort them, but it truly only made them more worried.

One wondered just what you had been through in your past home. She knew that your family was rich but it made no sense that you were this way.

She had heard stories about you being a despicable person who beat her servants and had a bad temper, but you weren't that way at all.

Not to mention that the clothes you had brought were much too cheap for someone of your standing. A lot of the things concerning your background just didn't add up.

She stood from where she was sitting by your side, gave a curt nod to the other maid who seemed to know her plan and then swiftly left the room.

You looked on in slight confusion before the other maid moved and blocked your view of the entrance. "Please rest, Your Highness."

You did as she said with a soft sigh and before you knew it, sleep began to take over your body. You hoped your body would do as it did in the past and heal itself as you slept.


The maid knew she would be punished for this, but she had to do something or else at this rate you would be dead in two days. She had only known you a very short time but already she knew that you were either too stubborn or too stupid to call for a doctor on your own.

So she had to go to the one person here who could order you to see a doctor, Prince Yoongi.

She knew that he did not care for you, but he did care for the bit of his reputation that had not been tainted, if you were to die under his charge your father would likely not let it go so easily, not because he cared for you but because your death could garner him sympathy and maybe even a favor from the emperor.

And to be honest she did not want you to die, of all the noble daughters she had served before you were the only one who showed her any semblance of kindness. She knew the other maid, her younger sister felt the same way as well.

She sucked in a harsh breath as she stood in front of the doors that led to Prince Yoongi's study. She quickly told the guards her purpose and they spoke to Prince Yoongi who was quick to grant her entrance.

She was slightly surprised as she expected to have to wait a few hours, but she wasn't about to let this chance go. Quickly she walked into the room and bowed deeply on her knees with her head to the floor.

"What exactly do you want?" Yoongi's harsh voice reached her ears, and she almost wavered, almost letting herself let out an excuse for disturbing him and then leaving, but for the sake of your life she needed to.

"Your Highness, my lady is sick, she desperately needs a doctor-"

Yoongi cut her off before she could finish "This trick to gain my attention is not going to work. I could have your head cut off for this but I'm in a fairly good mood today. Leave now."

She couldn't give up so easily not when she had gotten this far.

"But your highness I-"

This time it was the concubine at his side that spoke. She knew this woman, most often dressed in red to be Yoongi's most favored concubine, Lady Ye-ri.

"How dare you continue this useless farce after Prince Yoongi so graciously spared your life," she said with a pointed glare. "Your Lady must really be bold if she sent you here for such a thing." She leaned over and poured Yoongi a small cup of tea, but she really used the opportunity to whisper something to him secretly.

After hearing her words, Yoongi gave a curt nod.

"Tell her that if she wants anything from me, she needs to come ask me herself, I won't tolerate her disobedience or yours for that matter. For your insolence you'll be whipped twenty times, and your mistress is not allowed to eat until further notice. Take her aways" he said loud enough that the guards outside heard and came into the room to drag her to the courtyard where she'd be beaten.

"No! No please your highness!" She wasn't afraid of being whipped, it had happened to her several times before and she'd survive. But you right now, you were defenseless. "She's really sick! Please send a doctor! She might die! Your highness!" She pleaded as she was dragged away.

She knew that Yoongi, despite his cruel reputation, was not a bad person. He had proven that when he gave her, a lowly thief, a second chance as a maid in his palace. But to uphold his terrifying reputation, there was nothing he wouldn't do. No one he wouldn't use, no heart he was afraid to break.

Because that was all he knew, heartbreak, loneliness and fear.

And the influence of such a venomous concubine only made it that much worse.

But in you she saw someone who could change him.

The entire time as she was whipped and felt the skin on her back ache, her heart ached as well because she knew that if you were to die, there would be another chance to change him.

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