Chapter Five

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"Y/n-ah," you heard a voice calling you, and as you looked up it was your older brother Jungkook.

As you looked around, you vaguely recognized the garden of your old home, the garden that you had only been in twice.

With closer inspection you recognized that this moment was a flashback from two years ago, when Jungkook watched your father's wife punish you for entering the gardens as he stood there silently.

"Go away, you aren't real," You told the dream Jungkook as he looked at you confusedly.

"But Y/n-ah, I thought you wanted to see the flowers-"

"Go away! Leave me alone like you always have!"

Just how ironic could life get, as you lay potentially on your deathbed, your mind just had to conjure up the memories you had buried of the few good times you had with a family member.

But they couldn't even be considered you family anymore. Like you were now, your affection for them had one foot in the grave.

"But Y/n I-'' Jungkook tried to continue before he was interrupted by your father's wife coming and grabbing you by your hair. This scene that you often recalled, the moment when you realized where the allegiances of your family lied, through the years that followed were spent in complete denial.

"How dare you step foot in this garden and taint it with your filthy presence!" she screamed at you as you pleaded and begged for her forgiveness. Chan-ri stood not far behind, you knew though you couldn't see. You had analyzed this scene many times in the past two years seeing if there was any way you could have stood up for yourself, anyway to make Jungkook stand up for you.

But it never happened.

Jungkook watched as the woman pulled you to the small pond and nearly drowned you in it, screaming how you were filthy and needed a proper bath.

The burn of water filling your lungs was a feeling you would never forget. And the small scars in your arms made it so that the encounter would be marked into your body forever.

She and Chan-ri could never harm you in ways that were visible, lest it look bad for your father so they often opted for physical punishments that left no scars.

As your brain forced you to remember each moment of the torture your mind began to slowly shut down.

You could almost laugh at such a cruel fate, but instead the dark deep tendrils of unconsciousness grabbed you and forced you into its depths.


The doctor rushed through the halls of the palace as silently as possible as the maid had asked him to. He found the request peculiar, but he wouldn't dare question it at the amount he was being paid. What he didn't expect was that the guards here were trained to report anything suspicious to one person, Prince Yoongi, and that he was not going to be happy about this.

It had only been about 30 hours since he gave the order that Lady Y/n was forbidden to eat for making up stories. Now that she still insisted upon doing so he had no choice but to report it.

The doctor continued on his path, until he reached the room he was needed in, where he was harshly pulled in the doors and questioned thoroughly if anyone had seen him.

Of course with him having no knowledge of the guards who patrolled in the shadows, he answered no. Maybe that would be his downfall.

"Quickly! My lady had been sick for days! Tell us what is wrong!" One maid told the man, and he stepped forward to access the situation.

It didn't look very good. You had a severe cold that looked like it hadn't been treated at all, and also an underlying case of hypothermia. Not to mention a pretty severe case of malnutrition, it looked like she hadn't had a proper meal in, well, ever. He had his work cut out for him, and if you were to survive it would take a lot of time.

Before he could turn and tell the maids what was going on, the main doors to the room burst open, and there with five guards on either side was Prince Yoongi.

"What exactly is going on here? Who dared to sneak into my palace!" Yoongi yelled and the doctor and two maids instantly fell to their knees before him.

"Your Highness this is-" The maid who had gone and begged him to send for a doctor tried to explain.

But he cut her off with a sharp gasp as he saw your frail body splayed out on the bed.

Instantly he realized two things. The man here was a doctor and not some secret lover like he had previously been inclined to believe, and two that the maid had been genuine when she had come to him begging that a doctor come for you, and that he had maybe made your sickness worse.

He wasted no time in correcting his mistake.

"You." He pointed to the doctor. "Get up and check on her, I want to know what's wrong."

The doctor bowed before him again before speaking. "Your highness, I checked on her before you walked in. I found that she has a severe cold and a slight case of hypothermia. Her body hasn't recovered because she is also severely malnourished and suffering from malnutrition."


Yoongi was confused. You came from such a well off family, why were you literally starving to death?

Was this why you ate so little? Was it the result of some dieting fad the noble daughters were taking part in?

Either way, he couldn't afford to have you die or your father would throw a fit.

"Treat her, immediately. Anything you need, send a maid for it," he told the doctor harshly.

The doctor was shaking in fear as he nodded and walked back over to your frail body to begin the process of breaking your high fever.

Yoongi turned to one of the guards next. "Send for the royal physician immediately."

As he looked at your frail and broken body, he felt an odd sense of guilt. This was partially his fault. Denying you food had definitely contributed to your sickness, but for some reason he couldn't bear to see what he had done. Swiftly he turned to leave your room.

He left with one last message. "If she dies all of you die." As he walked out he tried to convince himself that he said that due to the fact that your father was a powerful man. But really, it was because now that he knew his part in it, he'd never outlive the guilt of causing your death when you were innocent.

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