Chapter Twelve

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Yoongi completely ignored the empress as he greeted his younger brother.

The royal empress was not his birth mother, but she had raised him after he was separated from his birth mother.

If you could consider her blatant hatred and neglect of him "raising".

But he knew here in the palace he could not disrespect her, as his father would never allow it.

"Hello, mother." The word tasted like acid leaving his mouth, and he hated that he had to be so formal to her. He hated that he had to call her that, but tradition bound him. Besides, it wasn't like his birth mother was much better.

The empress didn't even bat an eye at his behavior. She hated him equally as much, and at every turn she made an effort to be rid of him.

Yoongi was older than Namjoon, therefore he was supposed to be the next king, but due to his scar it would never happen.

Still the sight of him made her seethe in anger since she knew all it took was some very good convincing on his part could make his father change the law. And now that he was married, to a high ranking official's daughter no less, it put him in a better position to do so.

There was also the fact that Yoongi was conceived while the emperor was married to the empress, and the empress was an extraordinarily jealous woman. She hated that there was living proof of the king's infidelity toward her. Of course, the emperor had royal concubines, but the empress made absolutely certain none of them could bare a child, yet the king still found his way into another woman's bed and got her pregnant.

Yoongi couldn't show it, but he was happy to see his presence getting under that vile woman's skin.

Despite hating the empress, Yoongi bore no ill will toward his only sibling. He and Namjoon were quite similar actually, but Namjoon liked to act oblivious to his mother's blatant hatred of him, and so Yoongi often kept his distance.

The empress scoffed once more before turning back and grabbing Namjoon's hand. "Let's go Joonie, your father will be angry if we are any later."

With that, the three were granted access to the throne room, where the empress went and took her seat, and the two princes sat on the left and right of them to begin their discussion.

"Yoongi!" his father greeted him with a smile. "I've heard great things of the fight on our Northern border! Why have you come here away from the fighting?"

Yoongi swiftly answered with no hesitation. "I'm here to ask why you're plotting to interrogate my wife."

Namjoon looked confused at the words. Yoongi? The infamous playboy was married?

The empresses face grew pale as she realized. Yoongi stared down his father with eyes as cold as ice and sharp as a blades.

With one gaze into those eyes Namjoon knew this was no joke. Yoongi had a wife.

And he somehow actually cared for her?


As the carriage pulled into the imperial palace gates, you couldn't help but feel the slightest bit nervous. But still you couldn't let that be known.

You saw no other carriages, which meant that either your accuser hadn't arrived yet, or they were a member of the imperial palace court.

You didn't let yourself dwell on that thought very long. It didn't matter who had accused you, you'd prove yourself to be the true author of the relief plan.

Subconsciously though, you knew that since the moment you arrived, you were now a target. If you thought the court's intrigue at Yoongi's palace was intimidating, they'd eat you alive here.

So you acted with absolute grace, the way you often saw your mother and sisters do when distinguished guests arrived.

You didn't speak a word as an entourage of palace maids came to greet you. There were six in total, all standing in two perfectly straight lines. They bowed as you walked past them an toward the door and then followed behind your two maids in the same coordinated manner.

This brought your total entourage number up to 24. There were your two maids, 16 guards and now the palace maids.

You had no idea who sent them until a girl smaller than you with doll like soft features appeared in front of you.

You braced yourself for rude comments but they never came.

Instead the girl greeted you excitedly with the word "Unnie!" leaving her lips in a shout.

You watched as her maids scolded her for greeting you improperly, and you saw her pout a bit before approaching you and bowing.

Still confused, you returned her bow.

"Unnie y/n!"

So she knew your name? Who exactly was she?

"I'm Yehwi! I was told to take you to the meeting place! Samchon seemed really mad, but don't worry! I believe that the evil witch stole your relief plan!"

Though you previously had no ties to the royal family, it was common knowledge of the main members. Yehwi was the daughter of the King's deceased brother. She was far younger than you, by 7 years, hence her childish personality and disregard for formality. She was the only female member of the royal family other than the empress.

But still being with her as a guide rather than some stuffy guide was a breath of fresh air. It was better to talk about nonsense with her than to let the worries eat at your brain.

"Nice to meet you, Yehwi," you told her with a small smile, and at your greeting it seemed her excitement exploded. She quickly grabbed your hand and began practically dragging you toward the meeting place, the throne room.

All the while, she talked you ear off about how happy she was that Yoongi, whom she described as having a stick up somewhere a stick should never be, had found such a kind wife.

She didn't annoy you at all though. In fact, she provided you with almost a sense of care you'd associate with how you treat a younger sibling.

Not that you knew anything about it, having never experienced it yourself.

But all good thing come to an end, and as you finally reached the door to the throne room, your mask came back down. And you were ready, finally, to defend yourself.


This was a quick filler chapter, next chapter will be the big reveal, are you all ready??

Also I'm starting to write more bts x reader stories, so if you're interested, stay tuned.

As always, I love you guys and thanks for the support ☺️

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