Chapter Nine

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Since you had found out you were in charge of things, your usually quiet life around the palace had been turned upside down.

You had previously thought that Yoongi's only job was to head the army physically, and not that he had so many documents to look over and sign.

With the amount of things you had to look over, you wondered how Yoongi had time to eat even. Literally hundreds of inquiries came in each day. Luckily you had Soo-Jung and Hee-Jung with you, and they constantly made you fresh tea to calm your nerves and made small talk to lighten your mood. But they still weren't skilled enough to help you with the paperwork.

Since you were an avid reader, reading them was fast. It was the many responses you had to write back that were tiresome. You hadn't had much time in your life to practice your penmanship, so it was poor compared to Prince Yoongi's. In order to write somewhat neatly and not ruin the reputation of your husband, each response took upwards to half an hour.

You were about to put your signature at the bottom of a letter where a rich merchant had asked for five soldiers to escort his wife and daughters to their vacation home when a soldier burst into the room and startled you, causing the ink to smudge.

You groaned inwardly, but realized that for the soldier to burst in unannounced it had to be something important. Your two maids were ready to scold him at first, but they must have quickly realized the same thing. That still didn't stop Hee-Jung from making her feelings known.

"What business do you have interrupting our lady in such a rude manner?" she questioned the man, who immediately began to bow to show his apology.

"Your Highness! Please excuse my intrusion! I have urgent news from the Emperor!"

Your heart could've stopped then. You were not equipped to answer a call from the emperor. One wrong word and you could very well be executed. But sending a letter to Yoongi would display incompetence and also take too long. No matter the circumstances, you'd have to deal with this situation.

"Please, relay the emperor's message," you told the soldier, and he bowed in front of you again before talking.

"A great landslide to the west has destroyed 1/4 of our nations crops, displaced thousands whose homes were destroyed, and killed hundreds. At this rate our nation will fall into famine and the western part into anarchy. What is the counsel of Army Commander Prince Yoongi?" the soldier asked.

This was a bad situation, and your brain was desperately trying to think of a solution for it. You contemplated what Yoongi would do and thought about what the emperor would want you to do until your brain hurt though it had only been around a minute since the soldier had stopped talking.

Then you came to an epiphany. This was your chance. Your chance to prove that you weren't just some official's useless daughter. You could create a name for yourself if you made the right decision.

You read so often, books from many distinguished scholars. Books about every topic. You had a solution already.

"Send 500 troops in that direction immediately to help rebuild and quell any uprisings. I will begin writing a letter to the emperor immediately with a relief plan, that I want you to hand deliver," you told the soldier.

"Yes, your highness," he responded before making haste out of the room.

You immediately rushed back to the desk and pulled out the finest ink and parchment from Yoongi's office space. This was going to the emperor so your handwriting needed to be absolutely perfect.

Seeing your slightly stressed expression, Soo-Jung excused herself to make you some tea, while Hee-Jung began to massage your shoulders. You were truly so thankful to them.

Slowly you wrote a proper greeting to the emperor, explaining why it was you and not his son responding to his order before beginning to suggest the relief plan.

First, officials would need to write out the name and appearance of all of the people affected by the landslide, and what kind of assistance they needed, whether that be a new home being built or food due to the incoming famine. That way they reduced the amount of people who claimed they need assistance fraudulently.

Secondly, this list ensured that each citizen got help one by one, that way no one is missed or skipped over.

Thirdly, encourage that things are shared by way of a new emergency law. The wealthy must help the local government with disaster relief since they have the resources to do so, by donating money and extra food to help feed those who aren't so fortunate.

Finally, establish granaries. Raise food prices in the places that weren't struck by the disaster and using the extra money buy supplies to send to the places hit by the disaster.

After writing your plan down, you quickly explained to the emperor that this plan would need further discussion because there were many preventable problems with it. But for the sake of time you did not have the time to detail all of them.

You waited a few minutes for the ink to dry before calling the soldier from earlier back into the office, you instructed him to deliver the letter with the utmost haste.


The soldier made his ways to the stable ready to make the journey to the palace to hand your letter to the emperor himself.

But before he could mount his horse, a sharp pain took over the back of his head. As he fell to the ground, and he could not focus on anything other than the letter being in someone else's hands.


who stole it? I can't tell you yet 😉.

So, the disaster relief plan comes off of an amazing c-drama called the princess weiyoung. I am for sure not smart enough to have made that up myself. You guys should watch it. Actually the major plot devices of this story are all heavily inspired by c-drama's with small changes to make them original. At the end maybe I'll compile a list of drama's so you guys can watch them. 

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