Chapter 1 The Best Laid Plan

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Ruby: Are you feeling well enough to walk?

The magenta girl was standing next to Tucker, who was still lying down on the ground of the canyon.

Tucker: Can you just leave me here to die?

Donut: No!

He, Tex, and Sheila had just arrived.

Donut: You can't die! I'm bored! All these girls wanna talk about is chick stuff, and not the fun chick stuff like ribbons and unicorns. Ruby's the only normal one!

Meanwhile. . . .

Tex: I don't have treads, but I often find them looking at things they really shouldn't be.

Donut: You see? Boring stuff like oppression, and a hostile work environment.

Ruby: I'm with Donut here. A literal freaking tank is mad about explosions.

Tucker: Can we get Doc to shoot me again?

Ruby: Tucker. . . Get up.

His first time experiencing her glare nearly made the cyan soldier piss himself.

Tucker: Alright alright! Where is everybody anyway?

Donut: They all left to chase Doc. But don't you worry, they left a long time ago, so I'm sure they'll be back any minute. Simmons had a full-proof plan to catch him.

*With Simmons*

Within the teleporter's nexus, the maroon stood near one of the many green teleporters.

Simmons: Hello? Hello? Is anybody here? Just great. I guess we all got separated in the teleporter.

He switched his radio on.

Simmons: Sarge, this is Simmons, do you read me? Apparently, your plan to chase Lopez and Doc has failed miserably! I appear to be stuck in some kind of nexus of teleporters which could take me anywhere in the universe. Or, it's the janitor's closet- hell, I don't fucking know! Sarge, are you there? Sarge!

*With Sarge and Caboose*

Sarge was on his radio.

Sarge: Hello? Anyone? DO YOU READ ME? Do I read you? Anyone? Anybody? Nobody? Ok.

The sergeant turned the Blue rookie.

Sarge: Well, I don't think the others are coming. They must've gotten separated somehow.

Caboose: My toes. . . are getting pruny.

Sarge: O. . . Kay. Why don't we try to find O'Malley?

Caboose: I know where you can find O'Malley. . .

Sarge ran off.

Caboose: He lived inside my helmet for a while! Maybe he left an adress to send his mail. We were like roommates.

The Blue followed the Red.

Sarge: Sounds like he took some of the furniture when he left. And the carpet. And the drapes. And I wouldn't expect to get that deposit box. If you know what I mean.

The two walked around the side of one of the two buildings and saw the body of a Blue soldier.

Caboose: Sergeant look. . . a sleeping person. . .!

Sarge: What? Holy macaroon. . . .

The Red walked over to the body.

Sarge: He's not sleepin' son. . . he's dead.

Caboose: Oh good! At first, I thought that was me, because, I am blue and I like to sleep. . . . But, if he is dead that cannot be me. That would be silly.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now