Chapter 19 The Storm

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The Robot Army was still moving at an extremely slow rate and were now passing the windmill.

Robot Minions: Charge!

The evil villian stood on the roof of a small building.

O'Malley: Oh, for God's sake. Will you hurry up? Lopez, I'm disappointed in your work. These minions are much too slow.

?: I think they're just fine.

O'Malley: Shut up hostage!

Ruby was tied up to a wall and surrounded by fusion coils.

Ruby: No seriously, the easier they are to kill the better.

Lopez: (Spanish) I think they are moving along nicely.

Ruby: See, Lopez gets it.

O'Malley: You fool! You don't even have legs and you still got up here fast than them!

Ruby: How exactly did he even move? He's just a head.

O'Malley: I said shut up hostage.

Ruby: The names Ruby.

O'Malley: *sighs* Maybe a hostage wasn't a good idea.

Doc: I'm really sorry about this Ruby.

O'Malley: Really sorry we can't find more explosives!

Ruby: I'll give you that. These things surrounding me are torture. . . .

*With the Reds*

Sarge: I think they're distracted. Let's use this chance to slip away.

Simmons: Great idea sir! I have a lock on that distress signal, we could head right for it.

Sarge: Good thinking Simmons. Everybody in the jeep.

Donut: But what about Ruby?

Sarge: She's been brainwashed and taken hostage by the Blues and not by anyone else! She's a lost cause.

Donut: But she wouldn't just leave us.

Grif and Simmons looked at each other.

Grif: I gotta say it, Donut has a point.

Simmons: For once I agree with Grif.

Sarge: Alright fine, let's find the Blues and get Ruby back!

*With the Blues*

Tex and Tucker were on the second floor of the fortress. The freelancer peaked out the window while explosions went off.

Tex: Aw crap, he took Ruby hostage.

Tucker: That's kinda my fault, isn't it?

Tex: Yes, yes it is. Anyways, I think I can take him. I just need a better weapon.

Tucker: Want me to help you find one?

Tex: Hmm, why don't you just give me your sword?

Tucker: No way, I can see right through your little ploy. You just want me to give you the sword!

Tex: Thats what I just said!

Tucker: Yeah, but it's the way you said it.

Tex: You know, it's a good thing that sword doesn't run on brain power. Oh my god, Tucker, look! Hot chicks.

Tucker: Nice try, you just want me to turn around so you can knock me out and take the sword.

Tex: Now the hot girls are makin' out!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now