This ✨🙋‍♀️

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You get ready to get in the shower, getting clothes together, turning on the water, snapping your hand back when the water is too hot or too cold. The smell of shampoo and the distinct smell of your air freshener.

*knock knock*
"Snookums, where are you?" Tony said from the bedroom door.

"In here, Tones." You responded, getting undressed and looking at yourself in the mirror. You weren't very fond of what you saw.

Tony came up behind you and wrapped his strong arms softly around you, carefully to not alarm you. He kissed your temple tenderly, knowing you were in thought.

"Princess, you are so beautiful. I love you so much. You deserve every good thing in this world. And I know this is a little crony for me to say, but I love your body. I love your curves and your cute little butt cheeks. And I love the way you yawn in the mornings. I love your bed head. I love the putter of your feet following after me, only for me to carry you to the kitchen to get coffee (or whatever u prefer).
I love you, ok? I love you. You are beautiful."

Tony affirmed you softly with his mouth against your temple, rocking you back in forth slowly.

" I love you, too, bubba." You said in a baby voice as you turned around and hugged him.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome, Sunshine."
"Now can you please leave. I need to get the rest of the stuff off me and in the shower."
"And miss the show? Hell no- I mean if you want me to then sure."
"Oh just come on already." You said scrunching your nose up, stepping in the shower, moving your pointer finger in a motion that told Tony to hurry his cute little butt up.

"Yes ma'am." He said and hopped in after he had gotten undressed.

He helped you wash up and let you do the parts you wanted to do yourself.

30 minutes later....
Tony threw his shirt at your face while you were sitting naked on the bed.
"You'll be saying that way more often if you keep saying it like that."
"I love you, too."

Tony snuggled into you, breathing in your clean smell. He loves you. He loves you so much. So very much.

Tony Stark x Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now