<(Chapter 12)>

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[Third POV]

Alastor's shadow smiled, not the joyful, famous smile Alastor often wore, but a sickening, dark grin. {Y/N's} shadow let out a low growl as she crawled down the wall, dangerously staring the other demon down. The wendigo towered above Alastor's demon, then shifted into a different form. Instead of a wendigo, the shadow now looked like a silhouette of {Y/N}, yet the overall of her eyes glowed {F/C}, her cheerful, creepy grin glowing the same color. Antlers seemed to sprout from her head, resembling the wendigo.

"Very powerful, if I have been informed correctly," the demon answered. Instead of a hollowed, demonic voice, it sounded like a more ghostly version of {Y/N's} voice. She was {Y/N's} height, and had to look up at the demon of Alastor. 

"Correct, my demon fellow! Especially demons that are made from cold and heartless murderers! Tell me, what are you made of? I can hardly tell why you're such a horrifying creature, unlike most." The male demon tilted his head as he ran a hand over the wendigo demon's antlers.

There was a moment of hesitance before she spoke, deciding she would answer the demon's question. "Hatred, pain, anger, mourn, sadness, loneliness, and want." She didn't want to use big words, nor explain how these common emotions created such a hideous creature such as a demonic wendigo. Perhaps.. there was more. Just unacknowledged or unsaid. 

"I wish to propose an offer, demon of {Y/N}. I am fully aware you are trying to keep Alastor from finding out about {Y/N} and her murderous deeds.. I don't want {Y/N} finding about Alastor's voodoo practices and that he's the New Orleans serial killer. Many think he's responsible for all the murders. When he's not. It's only a matter of time before the authorities find that signature every serial killer has, and then they'll realize they're looking for two suspects. Question is, is your human smart enough with the evidence and such? Anyways, as I was saying. How about this. We do not warn them of the other finding out, we do not interfere if they find out sooner, we allow them to find out on their own.  And we.. will be going to the other human's crime scene and make sure to get rid of any remaining evidence. This situation is entertaining, and I don't want pesky authorities interfering with that! So.. what do you say, hm~?"

The female shadow stared at the other, thinking, wondering what the right answer could be. Hoping she wouldn't end up making the wrong move. With a ghostly sigh, she soon responded.

"Alright, then.. I'll agree to this offer of your's. But as soon as you disobey anything within this offer, I won't hesitate to make sure {Y/N} finds out about Alastor. Nor will I hesitate to make sure Alastor is hunted down and taken into those cells. I hope you're one to keep your word, for I am and once someone betrays their word, I don't hesitate to make sure they loath me with every ounce of their soul and being." The female demon grinned wider, eyes widening slightly as she tilted her head. Alastor's demon nodded his head before speaking.

"I am one to keep my word, fellow demon. Do not worry about such a matter." He bent over, bowing as she spun his staff around in his other hand. The demon woman nodded her head as she shifted back to a wendigo, crawling back up the walls and disappearing.

[Time Skip]

{Y/N} sat at the cafe she favored, quietly sipping her favorite warm drink while sketching something. Something that spoke to her. Something that was in her language. And only few could understand it. Today's sketch; white roses, blood dripping from the white petals, as if they were drained of color, as if they were red before pure and white. Just like real people. The soft plop of blood hitting a puddle of the warm red liquid sent shivers up her spine, along with a grown satisfaction. Oh, how surprised she was no one ever figured her out.

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