Gally Imagine

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A/N: I got a request for this over 5 years ago (lol). Let's see what we can do!

I woke up in a cold metal box. It felt like it was moving, but at first I wasn't sure where. Then, it hit me. I was being sent into the Glade, or at least that's what it was called. I remember being told that no one else who was sent in had their memories, but they needed someone to go in to encourage the boys there to get moving. Someone with a strong personality, someone who would be able to take control. I guess they decided that would be me.

Damn them, I thought to myself, as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was just getting comfortable out there. I was finally feeling like I was fitting in, like I could keep living after my boyfriend went missing. I had been dating him for nearly a year, before one day he just disappeared; no note, no goodbye, he was just gone. I spent months barely eating, never leaving my room, and just recently started to recover. I had been through hell and now they wanted to send me into some zoo like an animal. To put it lightly, I was pissed.

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only twenty minutes, the box shuddered and came to a stop. It jostled me around and I realized I was probably at the top, or the end, or wherever I was supposed to be.

The ceiling opened up and the light blinded me after sitting in the dark four half an hour. I put my arm up to cover my eyes and stood up, trying to let myself adjust. I heard some whispers and grumbles from above and finally let my arm fall. The light was still blinding, but I could see the shapes of about a dozen people surrounding the ceiling that was now open. After a minute, my eyes accustomed to the light, I noticed that everyone above me was a male, all looking to be in their teens.

"Well," I said, to no one in particular. "Is nobody going to give me a hand out of here?"

That seemed to snap some sense into them. Finally, someone from the back of the group pushed his way forward and jumped in.

"Look at this," he said, in that all-too-familiar voice. "Boys, we have ourselves the first female Glader ever. Hey, Greenie. My name is-"

"Gally," I cut him off, finding the strength in my voice. He looked absolutely shocked. "Yeah, I know your name. How could I forget the name of my own boyfriend?"

He took a step back. "Hey, now, listen here, girl. I have never seen you before in my life. How do you know your name? How do you know anything besides your own name?"

I was shocked. I was angry. They took him away from me, they shoved me into a box. I finally found him again but he didn't even remember me. "You have got to be kidding me," I said, but not really to anyone in particular.

Gally looked up at the other boys, his face full of pure confusion. "Are you shanks not going to pass down the rope or not? Get me, er, us, out of this box." Somewhere above, a boy tossed down a rope, presumably so we could climb out. Gally turned to me, "Do you need a hand?"

"No, thanks," I responded, brushing right past him and climbing out of the box with ease. Thirty seconds later, he climbed up after me. "Alright," I said to the group, looking at every boy staring open-mouthed at me. "Go do whatever it is that you do best." Then, I turned and pointed to Gally. "You and me are going to take a little walk."

He looked like no one had ever told him what to do before, which was strange, considering our relationship. It wasn't like I was the boss or anything, but we both had strong personalities, and I loved to win whenever we fought.

"Where is the best place to go where we can talk alone?" I asked Gally while the other boys walked away, pretending not to stare at us. He looked so uncomfortable, it almost tore me up inside. I had worked so hard to build up the courage to create a relationship, and it felt like it had all been for nothing. But now was not the time to let my emotions take control.

"We can walk to perimeter," Gally said. "I'm sure no one will bug us. We'll just stay out of their way."

"Fine," I responded, gesturing him to lead the way.

"So," he began, "how did you know my name? What is your name?"

"You should know my name," I responded, but he just looked at me. "It's Raven. I'm Raven. I know your name because I know you. We grew up together. We . . ." but I couldn't bring myself to tell him that we were a couple. He obviously didn't remember me, and putting too much on him might make things worse. He was silent for a while and we just kept walking, not looking at each other.

"I . . . I don't know you," he said to me, the confusion in his voice so strong. "We were all sent to the Glade, all came up in that box. But none of us came with memories. All we know is our own first name, that's it. And it's always been boys. But here you are, a girl, who claims to have memories and says she knows me. It seems impossible."

"Gally, I have known you all my life. We grew up together. Then, one day, you just went missing - no notice, nothing. But it turns out you've been here, with these other guys, and you don't remember anything. But I do, I remember everything. I'm here to . . . Well, I don't exactly know why I'm here. But I know more than anyone else here. I just want to get you your memories back and get you back home. And everyone else, too, I guess."

He stopped behind me. "Okay," he said, his eyes finally settling on my face. "Okay. I don't know if I should, but I trust you. What do we do now?"

I now had a new mission of my own: to somehow make Gally remember me, remember us. I would do anything to get him to remember everything we did together, all of the memories we shared. I don't care how long it takes, I'll bring those memories back. I won't lose him again.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. I'm not very good at themes and, to be honest, I haven't read TMR in six years! I did my best with what I've got. It's hard to create a big theme in a short imagine, especially when it just flows another way. Oh, well. I hope you liked it anyway! :)

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